Page 33 - AAA March / April 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 33
says Yau Seng. “Besides han- past two years. This is in line ensure that our employees have
gars in Malaysia, we have also with the broader trend of airlines good career development and
signed a JV agreement with investing to upgrade and refresh progression opportunities. In
Cambodia Airport Investment their livery and cabins to meet addition, we have a structured
Co to establish line mainte- customer expectations as the Talent Management Framework
nance services at the new Techo aviation industry recovers from that helps us identify high poten-
Takhmao International Airport the pandemic.” tial employees with the desired
(TIA) in Phnom Penh. The plan leadership qualities and potential
is to develop this new JV into Digital Initiatives to assume key management
a regional aircraft MRO hub in positions. We have also part-
TIA, further strengthening our The aviation industry has a nered with Institutes of Higher
position as a leading line main- digital transformation during the Learning (IHLs) in Singapore to
tenance service provider in this pandemic and its aftermath and build future pipelines of trainee
region. The JV is expected to be SIAEC is no exception. “We are technicians and trainee aircraft
operational by mid-2025 after continually seeking to enhance engineers. And we continuously
TIA opens.” our operations through the use work on improving our employer
of artificial intelligence (AI) and branding to make SIAEC more
China, where MRO demand advanced analytics,” says Yau attractive to young talent.”
also expected to grow signifi- Seng. “We are dedicated to
cantly in the coming decade, harnessing the power of AI to
is another important market for transform data into actionable Sustainability Goals
the company. SIAEC is work- insights, enabling us to enhance As part of its efforts to sup-
ing with Xiamen Iport Group, a aircraft maintenance processes, port the industry’s goal of
state-owned enterprise engaged optimize resource allocation net zero carbon emissions
in the business of services and and improve overall operational by 2050, the MRO major is
investment holding of trans-na- efficiency. We have been work- committed to halving Scope
tional and diversified businesses ing on AI-based solutions that 1 and 2 carbon emissions
including aviation management, predict equipment failures and by 2030 against its 2019-20
to establish a framework to suggest solutions. Emphasis baseline. “We have also set
identify potential areas of MRO has also been placed on utilizing 2030 goals in the areas of eco-
collaboration. optimization models to improve nomic, environmental, social
planning, fine-tune resource and governance, which serve
While focusing on growing its allocation, and optimize work as an important guide as we
footprint in the Asia Pacific scheduling and supply chain pursue sustainable growth in this
region, SIAEC has also grown operations.” decade,” says Yau Seng. “Some
its base maintenance customer of our key initiatives to reduce
base beyond Asia, securing One of the major issues con- emissions include installation
long-term customers in North fronting the MRO sector of solar panels on roofs of our
America, India and Oceania worldwide is the shortage of buildings and a hangar in the
regions. “We have been qualified aviation maintenance Philippines. Five of our hangars
reaching out progressively to technicians. SIAEC has taken in Singapore are also certified
a broader pool of customers a multi-pronged approach to Water Efficient Buildings (WEB),
worldwide,” says Yau Seng. “In address the issue, says the two of which are certified Green
recent years, we have diver- company CEO. “Firstly, we are Mark (Platinum rating) and
sified our base maintenance managing this through reskilling Super Low Energy Buildings.
customer base beyond Asia, and upskilling our existing work- We are also conducting trials to
securing long-term customers force. This not only enhances test the operational readiness
in North America, India and our in-house capabilities but of our engine test cell to use
Oceania regions. Our paint also helps in retaining skilled Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)
and cabin shops have also employees. We also continually for engine tests. In addition, we
seen an increase in requests evaluate our remuneration pack- are progressively transitioning
from various airlines from ages and adjust them, if needed, from conventional tow tractors to
multiple jurisdictions in the to be competitive, as well as electric models.”•