Page 35 - AAA March / April 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 35

increased 25.8% year-on-year        “This is a strong start to the
                                            (YoY) on the strength of passen-    year,” said Willie Walsh, IATA’s
                                            ger markets. One of the major       Director General. “In particular,
                                            reasons for the bright perfor-      the booming e-commerce sector
                                            mance is the easing of inflation    is continuing to help air cargo
                                            in most major economies except  demand to trend above growth in
                                            China, which saw a negative         both trade and production since
                                            inflation rate of -0.8%.            the last quarter of 2023. The
                                                                                counterweight to this good news
                                            Dominant Performance                is uncertainty over how China’s
                                                                                economic slowdown will unfold.”
                                            Standing out in a generally
                                            strong performance are the
                                            Middle East and Asia, high-         Ongoing Recovery
                                            growth regions that are crucial
                                            for the health of the industry.     With industrial produc-
                                            Middle Eastern carriers, which
                                            benefited from the growth in the  tion and new export
                                            Middle East–Asia and Middle         orders continuing
        declining 2.2% compared to the      East–Europe markets, recorded
        previous year. The forecast for     a whopping 25.9% year-on-           to stagnate in many
        the year, it may be recalled, was   year increase in cargo volumes      regions, not every-
        for a 3.8% decline in airfreight    in January, up from +18.3% in       one is that convinced
        traffic.                            December. Capacity increased
                                            17.1% compared to the same          that 2024 will see a
                                                                                full recovery. Most
        The start to 2024,                  month last year. Asia-Pacific       analysts say a real
                                            airlines saw air cargo volumes
        which saw two months                increase by 24.6% compared to       recovery from the
        of sustained growth,                January last year, an increase      freight recession will
        marks a real turning                of 18.5% over December.  With       happen only in 2025.
                                            international travel returning
        point for an industry               to pre-pandemic levels and
        that was long overdue               belly capacity spiking, available   With 2024 being a transition year
        for good news. January              capacity for the region’s airlines   from the freight recession, with
                                            increased by 25.0% compared
                                                                                the real recovery occurring in
        recording the highest               to January last year. While         2025.
        annual growth in CTKs               European, Latin American and
        since the summer                    African airlines saw double digit   “It’s a surprising start to the year
                                            increases in cargo volumes,
        season of 2021. Total               of 16.4%, 13.4%, and 17 %           from a volume perspective, and
        demand increased by                 respectively, North American        not something people would
                                                                                have expected, us included,
        18.4% this January                  carriers brough up the rear with    with demand much higher than
                                            a modest 9.3% increase.
        compared to the same                                                    it was a year ago. Generally, we
        month last year.                    Proving that January’s perfor-      wouldn’t expect to see a rate
                                            mance was not a flash in the        uptick at this time of year. This
                                            pan, February saw demand            is likely related to the Red Sea
        With international operations       increasing +11% compared to         disruption, but this is not the only
        up 19.8%. According to IATA,        the same month last year.  The      factor,” says Niall van de Wouw,
        capacity jumped 14.6% com-          increase is especially noteworthy  Chief Airfreight Officer at Xeneta,
        pared to January 2023 (18.2%        as the period is traditionally a    a leading ocean and air freight
        for international operations).      slower time of year for airfreight   rate benchmarking and market
        International belly capacity        volumes.                            analytics platform.

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