Page 17 - AAA NOV / DEC 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 17
developed the DC-3 which also JetZero co-founder and CEO Tony projected 50% cut in fuel con-
revolutionised air travel. O’Leary tells AAA that “climate is sumption to open the doors of
a great concern and the indus- the airline industry as well the
A quick glance and you will miss it try has huge issues with fuel Pentagon.
but taking a second and third look burn and razor-thin margins.
are airlines for the possibilities of And that is just the tip of the The U.S. Air Force US$235 million
this aircraft are enormous in the iceberg. There are so many will involve JetZero’s partner
quest for Net Zero emissions by issues to address and we are Northrop Grumman which taps
2050. fundamentally, not getting a Northrop’s pedigree in flying-wing
JetZero has taken over the better solution.” stealth bombers.
Gulfstream facility at Long Beach The U.S. Air Force has stated that
Airport and has both the mock-up Mr O’Leary says the JetZero the BWB “is one of the single
and the iron bird on display. One Z-5 airframe solves all those most impactful technology
senses JetZero is going to be the problems. “It’s simple and
SpaceX of commercial and mili- straightforward when we have opportunities for future U.S.
tary aviation. Everything about the hardly changed the configu- Air Force aircraft, both in terms
operation speaks to professional- ration since the 707 with the of capability improvement and
ism and polish. propulsion side delivering greenhouse gas emissions
most of the gains. Now we reduction.”
JetZero has emerged as a major make this change in the shape
player with a replacement for the because the planet demands it The demonstrator will be pow-
240-300 seat Boeing 767, 757 and the airlines demand it, we ered by Pratt & Whitney’s Geared
and A300 market with its Z-5 go to 50% lower fuel burn and Turbofan.
passenger variant to capture the emissions. It’s physics - lift,
so-called middle of the market. weight, drag and thrust.” Also known as a hybrid wing body,
JetZero configuration is tailless
The concept, uses the same He rightly explains that the engine and more efficient than a con-
baseline BWB configuration for gains while very impressive over ventional tube-and-wing design
an advanced tanker-transport for the decades have become com- because of its reduced wetted
the U.S. Air Force in a multi-role plex as the industry strives to area, friction drag and lower form
demonstrator reminiscent of the get to the holy grail of net zero. drag. BWBs are also inherently
Boeing 367-80 which in the 1950s O’Leary says another huge plus quieter than current airliners
led to the development of the 707 for the JetZero design is that it will because the airframe shields
airliner and KC-135 tanker. most of the noise from engines
use existing proven technology. mounted on the upper surface.
The BWB concept blends the air-
frame structure and aerodynamics Driving the game changing proj- JetZero’s Z-5 design, the first
to reduce weight and drag while ect JetZero won U.S. Air Force in a proposed family of Z-series
enabling the fuselage to contribute backing last August to build a aircraft, is optimized for a range
to lift. demonstrator for the Z-5 with of at least 5,000 nm (9200km)