Page 18 - AAA NOV / DEC 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 18

and up to 250 passengers. The
        all-composite aircraft has a wide
        single deck and high-aspect-ratio
        wing. Although this extends the
        wingspan to close to 200 ft.(61m),
        similar to an Airbus A330 used by
        Qantas, the body length is shorter
        than a Boeing 767. Despite the
        overall size, JetZero says the mid-
        market aircraft will be about half
        the weight and require half the
        power of aircraft it replaces, such
        as the 767.

        From a passenger perspective the
        Z-5 will have four aisles with seats
        set as doubles. Each modular
        zone will be in a 2-2 configuration
        with abundant overhead storage
        space. O’Leary says the config-     pitch attitude faster which in turn   O’Leary says private investors will
        uration options are endless and     allows liftoff speed to be lower and  also contribute funds to the devel-
        offer airlines and entirely new pas-  reduces the demand for high take-  opment project.
        senger pleasing palette. “Boarding   off thrust. And another bonus is
        will be a dream.”                   that it eliminates the requirement   JetZero co-founder and chief tech-
                                            for leading-edge high-lift slats    nology officer Mark Page is part of
        Aimed at entry into service in the   and reduces the size of the trail-  a team that includes Bob Liebeck
        2030s, the reduced weight and       ing-edge flaps.                     and Blaine Rawdon who invented
        power requirements are designed                                         the concept.
        to enable the Z-5 to use deriv-     Countering another design
        atives of existing single-aisle     challenge levelled at BWBs          The Z-5 tanker also fits into the
        engines such as the CFM Leap 1      concerning the inefficiencies       USAF’s push to have stealthy air-
        or Pratt & Whitney PW1100G. The     of pressurizing a noncircular       craft to penetrate enemy airspace.
        aircraft is equipped with mostly    cabin cross-section, JetZero        Summing up Barry Eccleston,
        conventional systems, simplifying   says advances in composites         former Airbus Americas and
        development and reducing cost       for primary structures, added to    International Aero Engines CEO
        and risk.                           the single-deck configuration of
                                            the Z-5, eliminate the problem of   and a member of JetZero’s advi-
        The plan is founded on several      constructing pressure vessels in    sory board told Aviation Week’s
        design breakthroughs which differ-  a flattened fuselage shape. While   Guy Norris last year: “You have
        entiate JetZero’s proposed BWB      the initial design is based around   all these tailwinds from the
        from many previous blended wing     conventional tanks for sustainable  environment, the Air Force and
        concepts. One of these is a piv-    aviation fuel, the company says     NASA, plus you have the tech-
        oting nose gear which increases     the BWB configuration provides      nology tailwind, which makes
        body angle for take-off – thereby   ample internal volume for liq-      it viable when it wasn’t before.
        solving many of the pitch control   uid-hydrogen fuel tanks in the      Then you set that against the
        and rotation challenges that ham-   future.                             fact that Boeing and Airbus
        pered earlier designs.                                                  are doing nothing new in this
                                            JetZero is aiming for first flight in   space and you say, ‘We can’t
        For the take-off, the nose gear     2027.                               sit here and do nothing.’ The
        extends by several feet to                                              industry deserves it, and the
        increase the angle of attack by     NASA and Boeing flew an 8.5%-       industry needs it. If you’ve
        about 6 deg., allowing the BWB’s    scale BWB demonstrator in 2007,     got something you know will
        body to produce lift to amplify the   known as the X-48B but Boeing,    be 30-50% better than today’s
        effect of the aircraft’s elevons. The   incredibly, has walked away from   products, why would you not
        design enables the Z-5 to reach     the concept.
                                                                                do it?”. 
        18 | NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2024                                                        WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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