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and high-speed trains.
•According to the European
Commission, rail subsidies
in Europe totaled roughly
$59.4 (€50) billion in 2018.
Meanwhile, aviation subsidies
(primarily for public-service
obligation routes to remote
communities and small islands)
were in the order of $149.3
(€135.3) million across the EU
in 2017 — or around 2% of the
subsidies given to rail.
In developing economies, some
air transport infrastructure is
financed through World Bank proj-
ect loans. In 2018, this amounted
to $979 million in investment, a
decrease of 4% from the previous
year due to the completion and
closing of larger airport infrastruc-
ture projects. This amounts to A320s being readied for delivery to airlines. Airbus
only 2% of the World Bank’s $48.2
billion transport portfolio (which foreign direct investment (FDI) be feasible, particularly for short-
itself is less than one-sixth of the flows to low- and middle-income er-term university exchange
total invested that year). countries in 2019. The continuity programmes, such as the
of remittances is supported by the European Erasmus system. Air
Another enormous benefit of maintenance of family and cultural transport connectivity can make
aviation is that it enables migrant ties — aided by air transport links. these ambitions far more likely
workers to work in developed to be realised. For students from
countries and remit home their This source of overseas income developing countries, the oppor-
salary to support and improve the plays a significant role in some tunity to travel to established
lives of their families. nations and does not only help universities for higher education is
alleviate poverty in less-developed invaluable, as well as benefitting
According to the United Nations, countries but also helps achieve the university and surrounding
the number of international the SDGs more widely. For communities. This helps the
migrants worldwide reached example, remittances accounted individual’s personal improve-
nearly 272 million in 2019, of for nearly 30% of the GDP in ment and also creates benefits for
Tajikistan, Nepal and the Kyrgyz
which about six of ten were Republic and even 37% in Tonga their home country, as students
migrant workers who move and Haiti in 2019. return armed with knowledge to
abroad for employment purposes. contribute to their home economy
Migrants collectively contributed a Yet another benefit of aviation is in and with strengthened links to the
record $714 billion in remittances the field of education with airlines global economy.
worldwide in 2019 (of which enabling inclusive and equitable
$554 billion were sent to low- quality education and promoting Microsoft’s co-founder Bill Gates
and middle-income countries). lifelong learning opportunities. was certainly right, when he said:
Remittances, where someone To access higher-quality educa- “The Wright Brothers created
working abroad sends part of their tion for many means travelling the single greatest cultural force
earnings to family back home, to another country, sometimes in since the invention of writing.
have exceeded official develop- another region of the globe. The airplane became the first
ment assistance — by a factor World Wide Web, bringing
of three — since the mid-1990s Without air transport, these people, languages, ideas, and
and were on track to overtake opportunities simply would not values together. ”