Page 15 - AAA NOV / DEC 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 15
In January 2023, Pyka unveiled
the Pelican Cargo, which it claims
is the largest zero-emission cargo
aircraft on the market. The Pelican
has a nose-loading configuration
with a sliding cargo tray and can
carry a payload of up to 400lbs.
It has a range of up to 200miles.
The first commercial operation of
the aircraft, which is undergoing
testing at the company’s flight
test facility in Northern California,
is expected in the second half
of 2023. In China, cargo drone
company AirWhiteWhale is among
the startups that have ventured
into the large cargo drone sector
in China. Tengden Technology
Company is another.
Startups Step Up
In January last year, California-
based startup Natilus, which
is currently developing giant-
sized autonomous cargo drones
that it claims will cut the cost of Company’s RH-1-A “Rhaegal” proves that we’re able to lift
air freight by 60% and reduce VTOL air cargo drone success- more cargo on our maiden flight
its carbon emissions by 50%, fully completed its first hover than any previous cargo UAV
announced that Ameriflight, the flight while lifting a record-setting that has ever flown,” said Ed
largest Part 135 cargo airline in payload. The air vehicle lifted De Reyes, chairman and CEO of
the U.S., has signed an agree- a 829-pound (374 kg) payload, Sabrewing.
ment to purchase 20 Natilus Kona breaking the world record for the
feeder aircraft. The company has “dead-lift” of any commercial, The Rhaegal VTOL air cargo
so far obtained US$6.8 billion vertical takeoff, uncrewed air drone aircraft has been devel-
worth of preorders for more than vehicle (UAV). Not long after that, oped in partnership with Safran
460 aircraft. Ameriflight formally expressed (turboshaft motors), Leonardo
interest in purchasing 35 Rhaegal Aerospace (avionics), Toray
The Kona feeder aircraft being drones. (composite materials), Garmin
designed by Natilus requires a (navigation), Attollo Engineering
runway; the drone has a maxi- The Rhaegal RG-1-B “Bravo” (LIDAR), Spider Tracks (remote
mum payload of 4.7 tons and a production aircraft is designed for positioning), and US Cargo
900-mile range. The company first, middle and last mile cargo Systems (cargo floors). Cal State
long-term plan is to produce four deliveries. According to the com- Channel Islands, The Ohio State
models - a short-haul version with pany, the world’s first autonomous University, UCLA and Oklahoma
a 3.8-ton payload, a medium/ cargo aircraft that is capable of University are working on software
long-haul version with a 60-ton both vertical and conventional development for the aircraft. The
payload, and two long-haul ver- take-off can lift over 10 times pre-production prototype aircraft
sions with 100- and 130-ton more cargo than its closest com- weighed about 2,700 pounds
payloads. Deliveries of the short- petitor, fly 5 times farther, and (1,225 kg) for the first flight and
haul version of the drone are operate in any airspace – from the is capable of a maximum gross
expected to begin in 2025. most congested city to the most weight (with payload) of up to
remote location.
In September 2022, California- 3,100 pounds (1,406 kg) at alti-
tudes up to 22,000 feet (6700
based Sabrewing Aircraft “This is only a fraction of what
this aircraft can carry. But it meters) and 200 knots.