Page 14 - AAA NOV / DEC 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 14

several companies are in various    80 per cent faster, 50 per cent     Growing Demand
        stages of developing cargo drones  cheaper, and with 60 per cent less   The demand for large cargo
        of different sizes.                 emissions, than other transpor-     drones is expected to spike in
                                            tation methods. The EU’s Light
        Readying to Fly                     UAS Operator Certificate (LUC)m     the future. Among the cargo
                                                                                carriers that are intent on incor-
        Dronamics, the first cargo drone    which Dronamics received in May     porating them into their fleet is
        company to receive a light UAS      2022 from the Transport Malta       Kenya’s Astral Aviation. All Nippon
        operator certificate (LUC), is      Civil Aviation Directorate (TM –    Airways is another, having signed
        getting ready for the inaugural     CAD), gives the company the right   a partnership with Wingcopter.
        commercial flight and mass pro-     to commence flight operations,      Meanwhile, Air Canada Cargo is
        duction of its flagship Black Swan   including Beyond Visual Line of    functioning as a sales agent for
        unmanned aerial vehicle, a long-    Sight (BVLOS) operations, across    Drone Delivery Canada.
        range drone that can carry 350kg    EU countries.
        up to 2,500 km. The company         Dronamics has signed a contract     Astral Aviation has its eyes on
        plans to start commercial opera-    with Quickstep, a company spe-      the 2-tonne payload FlyOx Cargo
        tions, starting in Greece, followed   cializing in aerospace composites,   Drone. Drones have a unique
        by the rest of the Mediterranean,   to have the Black Swan manufac-     advantage in that they can land
        the Gulf region as well as          tured at the Australian company’s   in unpaved airfields and on
        Australia. In November last year,   facilities in New South Wales.      water, which cannot be done by
        Dronamics and Qatar Airways         In September last year, the mid-    fixed wing aircraft, says Sanjeev
        Cargo, the world’s largest inter-   dle-mile cargo drone developer      Gadhia, founder and CEO of the
        national cargo carrier, announced   said that it was partnering with    company. “The cost of operation is
        an interline agreement, the first   Cotesa, European manufacturer       significantly lower than commer-
        one of its kind between an inter-   of composite fiber components for   cial aircraft with a visible saving
        national airline and a cargo drone   aerospace and automotive com-      of 50% and is environmentally
        airline.                                                                friendly. The use of large cargo
                                            panies, for manufacturing enough    drones has been a part of Astral’s
        In May 2023, the company            drones to meet the expected         vision to bring innovation in last-
        announced the successful com-       demand in Europe when com-          mile delivery,” he adds.
        pletion of the first flight of its   mercial operations in the region
        flagship aircraft, the Black Swan,   commence.                          Airbus in the Mix
        at Balchik airport in Bulgaria. “We   The Black Swan, which has been    In October 2022, Airbus suc-
        are now ready to mass manufac-      designed as a fixed-wing aircraft   cessfully tested a small-scale
        ture the first units,” says Svilen   that can fly and land on runways   demonstration version of its future
        Rangelov, Dronamics Co-Founder      as short as 400 meters in length,   “cargo copter” drone, which is
        and CEO. “Our plan is to work       is capable of flying at an altitude   designed to transport 250 kg
        with partners on a regional         of 20,000 ft and has an average     of payload across a maximum
        basis. We are talking about city-   speed of 200 km/hour, or 125        range of just over 300 kilometers.
        to-city connectivity, routes of     mph. Touted as  the most fuel-ef-   The demonstration model of the
        300 km or more. The big cities      ficient unmanned cargo airplane,    heavy-load cargo drone was flown
        get the big freighters; we are      the cost of cargo delivery by the   in trial missions by the company’s
        focused on secondary markets        Black Swan is expected to be up     UAS New Programmes group,
        where you cannot have such          to 50 per cent lower than existing   which worked on the project with
        freighters. These markets also      same-day air cargo.                 its rapid-development X-Works
        have needs that need to be met                                          team. The small-scale test model -
        the same day. We believe we         In March 2022, Dronamics            a 35 kg (77 lb.) vertical takeoff and
        have a sweet spot between 300       announced that it had added three  landing craft – was equipped with
        km to 2500 km.”                     airports in Germany - Paderborn-    Airbus’s DeckFind technology that
                                            Lippstadt, Rostock–Laage and        ensures safe automatic landing on
        The company claims that the
        Black Swan, which was unveiled      Airport Weeze - to its European     the surfaces of ships.  Although
        to the public in December 2021,     Droneport Network. The growing      the initial deployment is planned
        will enable same-day delivery       network currently includes more     for military transport, the freight
        to the most remote areas up to      than 40 locations in 14 European    drone is likely to be adapted for
                                            countries.                          commercial use as well.

        14 | NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2024                                                        WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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