Page 11 - AAA NOV / DEC 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
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Boeing and Uzbekistan Airways delivered humanitarian relief supplies to the Aral Sea region of Uzbekistan on board the airline’s
newest 787-8 Dreamliner in 2021. The shipment was made up of hospital beds, mattresses and wheelchairs to help the most
vulnerable of Uzbekistan’s population. Boeing
on the movement of goods and competitiveness is increasing infrastructure costs.
people across borders facilitate worldwide, especially in Europe,
the development of social and Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and •For each mode of transport,
economic networks that will North Africa. The trends show the study assessed the cost of
have long-lasting effects. This that tourism from, and between, infrastructure and externalities,
improved flow of people and developing economies is growing comparing them to taxes and
goods benefits both the host steadily. However, as incomes charges levied. All modes of
and the originating countries, rise in emerging economies and passenger and freight transport
encouraging increased social airfares fall, one of the obstacles were considered including road,
and economic integration. Air to international travel remains rail, inland waterway, maritime
transport offers a vital lifeline to restrictive visa regimes, even for and aviation. Externality costs
communities that lack adequate tourism purposes. include accidents, air pollution,
road or rail networks. In many climate change, noise, conges-
remote communities and small The ABBB also notes that aviation tion, well-to-tank emissions and
islands, access to the rest of the pays its way – unlike many other habitat damage. Airlines and
world and to essential services forms of transport. It states: their passengers pay the cost of
such as health care is often only the infrastructure they use in the
possible by air.” •Relative to other modes of public EU, both on the ground and in
transport, such as rail and road the air (air traffic management).
Aviation’s speed and reliability which are subsidized, aviation By contrast, the infrastructure
are perhaps most immediately covers most of its infrastructure costs for rail are significantly
apparent in the delivery of costs and air transport compares higher relative to aviation. The
urgently needed assistance during favorably as a cost-effective total infrastructure costs for
emergencies caused by natural sector. Analysis for the European rail are estimated at €81 billion
disasters, famine and war. Air ser- Commission shows that, relative (versus €14 billion for airports).
vices are particularly important in to other modes of public trans- The revenue from taxes and
situations where physical access port such as rail and bus/coach charges on rail users covers only
is problematic. which are often heavily subsi- a relatively small portion of infra-
Travel and tourism dized, aviation covers most of its structure costs for diesel, electric