Page 19 - ADT AUGUST 2021 Online Magazine
P. 19

manner, we established companies, opened     Kindly provide an update on demand for Aselsan
        offices and branches in 3 countries last year.   RCWS such as SMASH especially in the Middle East
        With these breakthroughs, our total number   and South East Asia?
        of offices and branches at home and abroad
        reached 28.                                  GÖRGÜN: Aselsan Remote Controlled Weapon Stations (RCWS)
                                                     fulfill the high performance requirements of the users while offering
        TURKISH DEFENCE GIANT ASELSAN’S              a high quality and combat proven solution. As of today, over 3500
        REVENUE INCREASED LAST YEAR BY               RCWS have been successfully deployed to the 35 land and naval   [ IDEF  SHOW PREVIEW ]
        24 PER CENT, REACHING AROUND                 platforms worldwide covering clients in Middle East and South
        US$2 BILLION, WITH SIGNED EXPORT             East Asia regions.
        MILLION                                      Due to the needs of our clients, demand for RCWS continue with
                                                     an increasing rate. High performance requirements of the Land
                                                     Forces for their Main Battle Tanks and Armored Vehicles are ful-
        EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW:                         filled by RCWSs.
        Chairman, President and
        CEO Prof. Dr. Haluk GÖRGÜN                   Does the company have plans to further invest in
                                                     Malaysia for the serial production and R&D?
                                                     GÖRGÜN: We give top priority to Asia-Pacific by presenting our
                                                     customized solutions to the users in the region especially against
                                                     common threats that the region has been facing with. Specifically,
                                                     our EW, MPA, RCWS and communication solutions, which are
                                                     combat proven, are ready to support Malaysian Armed Forces.

                                                     For the past 3 decades, we have always extended our unwavering
                                                     support, focus and commitment to Malaysia in the field of defense.
                                                     In this context, we have plans to make further investments and
                                                     enhance our field of activities in the region.

                                                     Our special mission aircrafts business line offers best-of-its-class
                                                     platforms utilizing various Aselsan payloads that operates in fully
                                                     integrated fashion with the world-class aircrafts. In this aspect, we
                                                     are strongly willing to meet the long term needs of Royal Malaysian
                                                     Air Force (RMAF) with particular focus on the RMAF’s Maritime
                                                     Patrol Aircraft Program.

        Aselsan signed a new sales                   With our wide range of engineering and defense solutions, we
        contract for Remote Controlled               expect significant progress in the Asia-Pacific market and will con-
                                                     tinue seeking for the opportunities of developing local cooperation.
        Weapon Stations in Bahrain last              We dedicate our resources to offer the value for our clients in all
        year. How is Aselsan planning to             over the world.
        further increase its market share?
        GÖRGÜN: Over the last year, we have intro-
        duced  our  wide  range  of  products  and
        solutions to a large number of countries includ-
        ing those in the Middle East and Gulf region.
        We have signed significant number of contracts
        in Bahrain and other Gulf countries. We will
        expand our activities in the region through
        supply of high-end products as well as cus-
        tomized solutions as per specific requirements
        of our clients.

        Furthermore, localization will be one of our key
        principles. Serving our clients through our local
        offices, manufacturing facilities, design houses,
        maintenance - repair and overhaul centers will
        increase contribution of Aselsan in the region.

        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                                    August 2021 | 19
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