Page 23 - ADT AUGUST 2021 Online Magazine
P. 23

ON NAVAL ASSETS. WE CARRIED                  strategic infrastructure protection missions. The vessel, which will
        OUT SEVERAL DESIGNS AND MADE                 be able to carry out joint operations with complementary drones,
        SIMULATIONS,” said Demir in an               will be equipped with the Cirit and L-UMTAS missile systems, man-
                                                     ufactured by Roketsan.
        interview with Anadolu Agency. “IT HAS                                                                     [ NAVY ]
        BEEN SEEN THAT THE DESIGN OF                 According to local media, the Turkish navy plans to induct 24
        ITS CURRENT FORM CAN EVOLVE                  new ships, including four frigates, as part of its plans to enhance
        IN THIS DIRECTION. THE STUDIES               strength and support the country’s rapidly growing defence indus-
                                                     try. The Istanbul Frigate (F-515, launched in January this year and
        ARE ALSO ONGOING; THE AIM                    developed under the National Ship Project (MILGEM), is the first
        IS TO EVOLVE HÜRJET INTO A                   frigate and largest warship domestically designed and manufac-
        SHIPBORNE AIRCRAFT TO OPERATE                tured by Turkey. The warship will be constructed with 75 percent
        IT FROM TCG ANADOLU.”                        indigenous materials while the Ada-class corvettes will be built
                                                     with 72 percent of parts made at home by Turkish companies. The
                                                     multipurpose frigates and corvettes will be armed by the Atmaca
                                                     missile, a high-precision, long-range, surface-to-surface, precision
        Going Local                                  strike anti-ship missile made by major defense contractor Roketsan
        One of the main elements of Turkey’s plan to  that can be used on patrol boats, frigates and corvettes. The mis-
        enhance its maritime power is the New Type  sile, which has a range of more than 200 kilometres, is a threat
        Submarine Project, which involves the con-   to targets far outside visual range, will replace US-made Harpoon
        struction of six new Type-214 air-independent  anti-ship missiles.
        propulsion submarines as part of a contract
        signed  with  German  ThyssenKrupp  Marine  Rising International Demand
        Systems in 2009. The first of the submarines,  The growth of Turkey’s military shipbuilding industry and the tech-
        the Pirireis, is expected to enter service in 2022,  nological sophistication of weapons produced by Turkish defence
        with one submarine expected to enter service  companies have attracted the attention of many militaries. With
        every year until 2027.  The project involves  exports of more than 130 military ships to countries such as Egypt,
        many of the major Turkish defense contrac-   Malaysia, Indonesia. Qatar and Turkmenistan, the country has in
        tors, including Aselsan, Havelsan, MilSOFT, and  recent years emerged as a viable alternative to other established
        Defense Technologies Engineering and Trade  military shipbuilding nations. In July 2018, the Pakistan Navy signed
        Inc. (STM.)                                  a major contract for the acquisition of four MILGEM-class ships.
                                                     The fist corvette is scheduled to be delivered to Pakistan Navy in
        In October last year, Turkey unveiled plans to  2023, with the other three will be handed over before 2025. While
        launch its first unmanned surface vessel, one  two of the corvettes will be built in Turkey, the other two will be
        that has a 400-kilometer range and is capable  constructed at Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works in Pakistan.
        of traveling up to 65 kph. The ULAQ, which is  In December last year, the Ukrainian Navy signed a deal with Turkey
        being jointly built by Turkish companies Ares  for the production of Ada-class corvettes in the Okean shipyard
        Shipyard  and  Meteksan  Defence,  will  have  at Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
        day and night vision capabilities as well as
        encrypted communication infrastructure that  Another potential project is one involving the Philippines, which is
        can be operated from mobile vehicles as well  looking to modernize its navy through the acquisition of modern
        as sea platforms such as aircraft carriers or  platforms with state-of-the-art equipment and combat manage-
        frigates. Its unique strengths as well as the  ment systems. The service is now in the process of phasing out
        extensive use of artificial intelligence (AI) make  its legacy assets, some of which are over 50 years old. Sensing an
        the vessel capable of being used for ISR, sur-  opportunity, Turkish state-owned defense contractor, the Military
        face warfare, asymmetric warfare, escort, and  Factory and Shipyard Management Corporation (ASFAT), hosted
                                                     a delegation comprising key decision makers from the Philippines
                                                     during a visit to Turkey.  Vice Adm. Giovanni Carlo Bacordo, the
                                                     Philippine Navy Chief, told the Philippine News Agency that the
                                                     Turkish government had, during the visit, highlighted the country’s
                                                     defence capabilities and the cutting-edge technologies that the
                                                     Turkish Navy has integrated in recent years.

                                                     ASFAT, said Bacordo, is interested in providing capacity and tech-
                                                     nology solutions, and participating in acquisition projects for naval
                                                     vessels and other defense equipment that the Philippines is plan-
                                                     ning to purchase. "Their main selling point is their centuries-old and
                                                     proven shipyard capability that guarantees the quality of work and
                                                     long-term integrated logistics support."

        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                                    August 2021 | 23
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