Page 24 - ADT AUGUST 2021 Online Magazine
P. 24

up to 27 hours. In spite of positive reviews, the
                                                                       drone had largely flown under the radar, but its
                                                                       starring role in Azerbaijan’s military success in
                                                                       the Karabakh conflict, and successful missions
                                                                       in Syria and Libya, have raised its profile and
                                                                       increased its export potential.

                                                                       International Attention
                                                                       Impressed  by  the  performance  of  the  TB2   [ UNMANNED  SYSTEMS ]
                                                                       drones that had “proven themselves in war,”
                                                                       Polish  Defense  Minister  Mariusz  Blaszczak
                                                                       announced in May this year, that the country
                                                                       would buy 24 TB2 drones from Turkey, thus
        The New Rage                                                   drones from Turkey. The drones, equipped with
                                                                       becoming the first NATO member to acquire
                                                                       anti-tank missiles, will be delivered in four sets,
                                                                       with the first to be delivered in 2022. Another
                                                                       European country that has taken note of the
                                                                       drone’s impressive performance in war zones is
                                                                       Albania; the country has set aside about US$10
         TURKISH MILITARY DRONES GROW IN DEMAND                        million to buy multiple drones.  Latvia, another
         EVEN AS OPERATORS OF CHINESE UAVS                             NATO member, is also reportedly eyeing the
         COMPLAIN ABOUT THEIR QUALITY                                  drone.
                                                                       British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace is a big
                                                                       fan of the TB2. “The roots of these drones are
           Arun Sivasankaran                                           born out of Turkish innovation,” Wallace said
                                                                       in a webinar organized by the Royal United
         The military unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) market is still dom-  Services Institute for Defense and Security
         inated by three major players – Israel, the U.S., and China – but  Studies (RUSI), a British security think tank, in
         Turkey has been making major inroads and looks primed to garner  December last year. The drone has the capa-
         a larger market share.                                        bility to present real challenges to the enemy,”
                                                                       he added.
         The growing interest in Turkish drones is primarily because of two
         factors – its affordability and proven effectiveness. Turkey’s indig- Export Potential
         enously made medium-altitude long-endurance (MALE) Bayraktar  One of the main selling points of the drone is
         TB2 drone, manufactured by defense company Baykar and already  that it does not cost nearly as much as some of
         in use in Turkey, Qatar and Azerbaijan, has lately caught the atten-  the military UAVs that militaries are eyeing, such
         tion of military officials around the world because of its success in  as the MQ-9B, manufactured by US-based
         three separate war zones in 2020. The drone costs under US$2  GA-ASI, or the Heron TP UAV, made by Israel
         million per unit, which is substantially less than the cost of military  Aerospace Industries (IAI). “The TB2 and its
         UAVs made by Israel and the U.S.                              accompanying munitions combine technical
                                                                       abilities with an affordability that means their
         In July this year, Ukraine’s Defence Ministry announced that the  commanders can tolerate some attrition while
         country’s Navy had taken delivery of its first TB2 unmanned combat  presenting real challenges to the enemy,” says
         aerial vehicles (UCAVs) system. The Navy is the  country’s second  Wallace.
         service to have the system in its arsenal, after the Army. In 2019,
         the country had tested and purchased 12 TB2 UAVs. Ukraine is  Another factor that will help Turkey find more
         reportedly set to take delivery of five more TB2 drones, as well as  takers  for its drones is the declining popular-
         ammunition for the drones, this year. In a sign of rapidly strength-  ity of Chinese military drones, with operators
         ening defence ties between the two nations, Turkey and Ukraine  such as the  Iraqi Air Force and the Jordanian
         are also establishing a joint venture in Ukraine to produce 48 addi-  air  force  complaining  of  poor  quality  and
         tional TB2s in Ukraine. The company is also eyeing the export of  rising maintenance costs of the CH-4 drone.
         the drone to countries that have not already bought military UAVs  According to industry watchers, Turkey, which
         from Turkey.                                                  makes drones comparable in price to China but
         The TB2, which completed 300,000 operational flight hours in  of much better quality, stand a good chance
         February this year, have been in use in Turkey since 2014. The UAVs,  of making a dent in the military drone market,
         which can be armed with weapons such as anti-tank missiles, preci-  which has of late become more competitive
         sion-guided missiles, and laser-guided rockets, are capable of flying  with the U.S. willing to sell its products to an
         up to 220 kilometers per hour and have a maximum endurance of  increasing number of countries.

        24 | August 2021                                                           WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ ADT
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