Page 25 - ADT AUGUST 2021 Online Magazine
P. 25


        Winners                                                                                                    [ FOREIGN  POLICY ]


                                                     America’s Adversaries through Sanctions Act ( CAATSA) on the
                                                     country has less to do with any security concerns that the U.S.
         WORSENING TIES BETWEEN                      has about the Russian system and more to do with the Biden
         THE U.S. AND TURKEY WILL                    administration wanting to dissuade other militaries from following
         END UP HURTING THE MILITARY                 Turkey and buying Russian systems. Ismail Demir, head of Turkey's
                                                     Defence Industries Presidency (SSB), said in a TV interview in April
         AMBITIONS OF BOTH COUNTRIES                 that the U.S. was yet to explain what sort of danger the S-400
                                                     missile defence system poses to it.

           Arun Sivasankaran
                                                     Reacting to Adversity
                                                     Its removal from the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter project is a setback
        With  the  U.S.  officially  notifying  Turkey  of  for Turkey, but the country isn’t backing away from its stand and
        its exclusion from the F-35 programme and  has informed the U.S. that it considers the purchase of the S-400
        President Biden becoming the first president  air defence system from Russia a “done deal. The Turkish Navy had
        to recognize the mass killing of Armenians by  plans to deploy F-35Bs aboard its new assault ship, the future TCG
        the Ottoman Turks in 1915 as “genocide, the rift  Anadolu. With the F-35 out of the picture, the ship, which is sched-
        between the NATO allies has further widened.  uled to join the fleet in 2022, does not have a jet for its carrier, but
        Both countries have a lot to gain from a con-  the defence department is currently revising plans and developing
        structive military partnership, but neither side  new solutions.  According to Haluk Bayraktar, CEO of drone-maker
        is budging at the moment.                    Baykar, the company is working on a  new unmanned combat aerial
                                                     vehicle (UCAV) that will successfully land and take off on LHD
        Despite Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby’s  Anadolu. According to Demir, the navy is also studying the feasibility
        comments that he does not expect the military  of deploying “Hurjet,” an indigenous aircraft that was designed as
        relationship between Washington and Ankara  a jet trainer aircraft but can carry missiles and other munitions, on
        to change after Biden’s comments, the rela-  the warship. Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), which makes the
        tionship looks more strained than at any other  Hürjet, is already in discussions with the navy on the issue.
        point in recent history. It may be recalled that
        just weeks before Biden’s controversial com- A setback for the F-35 Programme
        ments, the U.S. refused export clearance for  Turkeys exit from the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter project will end up
        the LHTEC engines on the 30 ATAK T-129  costing the U.S. as well as other partners, say industry experts.
        multi-role, all-weather attack helicopters that  The overcall cost of the fighter jet is likely to go up even further
        Turkey had planned on selling to Pakistan.   with Turkey exiting the picture. According to Matthew Bromberg,
                                                     the head of the military engine division of Pratt & Whitney, the con-
        The U.S. says the S-400 air defence system  tractor for the F-35’s F135 engine the cost of the engine is likely to
        from Russia is incompatible with NATO sys-   go up by 3 percent without Turkey being a part of the programme.
        tems and could be used by Russia to  obtain  “Turkish products are some of the most critical parts of the engine,
        classified information on the F-35 jets. Turkey  and the Turkey suppliers were high-quality low cost,” Bromberg
        has all along said that as the  S-400 would not  said during a House Armed Services Committee hearing in April.
        be integrated into NATO systems, there is no
        basis to the technological concerns the US  Although Turkey has been removed from the programme, the supply
        has over the proximity of the Russian system  of engine parts will continue until 2022, as per a prior deal signed
        to US equipment.                             with Turkish suppliers. Companies in Turkey provide 188 of nearly
        There is a growing feeling in Turkey military cir-  3,000 engine part types for the fighter jet, besides 817 of the jet’s
        cles that that the imposition of the Countering  24,000 airframe part types.

        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                                    August 2021 | 25
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