Page 17 - ADT JUNE - JULY 2021 Online Magazine
P. 17


        HELLENIC HIGH POINT                                                    EU Defence Initiatives, DEFEA will
                                                                               organise a Workshop with Industry:
                                                                               Opportunities offered by EU Defence
        GREECE ENTERS THE INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE                                capability development tools.
                                                                               DEFEA will also be used  to show-
        Defence  Exhibitions  Athens  2021                                     case the training capabilities of the
        (DEFEA 2021) highlights the impor-                                     Hellenic Services which are organ-
        tance of the Hellenic Armed Forces                                     ised to high standards and especially
        and Security Services along with                                       related to international joint exercises
        the Hellenic defence industry in the                                   with friendly and allied countries. The
        region. With its strategic location in                                 potential market opportunities in
        the Mediterranean and as one of                                        rearming the Hellenic Armed Forces
        the oldest NATO and EU member                                          and Security Services has resulted in
        states, Greece remains a key pillar                                    strong participation from global firms
        of European military alliances.                                        which have been held up by the pan-
                                                                               demic from showcasing their wares
        The  first  edition  of  DEFEA  2021                                   at important emerging defence mar-
        which runs from 13-15 July is being                                    kets.
        held at the Metropolitan Expo in                                       According to the organisers, 312
        Athens and will provide an insight                                     industries from 21 countries have
        into Hellenic rearmament initiatives                                   confirmed their participation at
        and its efforts to grow the indigenous                                 DEFEA  2021,  which  has  received
        defence industrial base. It is import-                                 the strong backing of the Hellenic
        ant to note that the first edition of                                  Ministry of National Defence (General
        DEFEA is taking place in the midst of                                  Directorate of Defence Investments
        a new and extensive Greek defence                                      and Armaments) and the Ministry of
        procurement programme now under  Ministers will discuss the impor-     Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy
        way.                                tance of the EU Defence Initiatives  and in close cooperation with SEKPY
                                            (PESCO, CARD, EDP) in promoting  (Hellenic Manufacturers of Defence
        A “Ministerial Roundtable Discussion  defence cooperation between the  Material Association).Greece already
        on the European Defence Initiatives”,  Member States at the roundtable.  has a highly capable local defence
        led by Minister of National Defence  To promote the need for a capabil-  industry and 30% of the more than
        Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos will be  ity-driven and competitive European  300 participating exhibitors, totalling
        organised on the inaugural day of  Defence Technological and Industrial  97 state and private owned industries
        DEFEA  during  which  EU  Defence  Base in the framework of the main  are taking part in the show.

        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                                 June/July 2021 | 17
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