Page 18 - ADT JUNE - JULY 2021 Online Magazine
P. 18

military equipment to Greece and
                                                                               authorisation for expedited delivery
                                                                               of any future F-35 aircraft ordered
                                                                               by Greece. Transfer of U.S excess
                                                                               defence articles to Greece will be
                                                                               given the same priority as that given
                                                                               other countries and regions. The
                                                                               Secretary of Defence, with the con-
                                                                               currence of the Secretary of State,   [ DEFEA  SHOW PREVIEW ]
                                                                               will also need to submit a report
                                                                               to Congress on Greece’s defence
                                                                               needs and how the United States can
                                                                               address such needs through trans-
                                                                               fers of excess defense equipment to
                                                                               Greek military modernization will
                                                                               also  receive  a  boost  via  authori-
                                                                               sation provided for the European
        GREECE BOLSTERS                                                        Recapitalization Incentive Program
                                                                               (ERIP)  with  assistance  to  sup-
        DEFENCE PARTNERSHIP                                                    port Greece’s transition away from
                                                                               Russian-produced military equip-
        WITH USA                                                               ment. The U.S. has also authorized
                                                                               $1 million per year in International
                                                                               Military Education and Training
        The successful passage of  legislation will boost Greek efforts  (IMET) assistance for Greece for FY
        the  U.S.-Greece  Defence  and  towards military modernization as it  2022 – 2026. The legislation also
        Interparliamentary Partnership Act  authorizes new transfers of American  expresses the Sense of Congress
        of 2021 will bolster the United States’  military equipment and U.S. support  that the U.S. should provide direct
        defense partnership with Greece. The  for increased multilateral engage-  loans to Greece for the procurement
        Hellenic nation is a major NATO ally  ment among Cyprus, Greece and  of defence articles, defence services,
        and one of the USA’s most import-   Israel.                            and design and construction services
        ant Eastern Mediterranean partners.  Important provisions of the legis-  pursuant to the further development
        The passage of this important U.S.  lation include transfer of American  of Greece’s military force.

                                                                               aircraft per month being planned. The
        HELLENIC AVIATION                                                      Greek airframer is also a sole source
                                                                               supplier to Lockheed Martin for 30%
        REVIVAL UNDERWAY                                                       of the C-130J and F-16s destined for
                                                                               the export market. Greek industry
                                                                               produces  portions  of  the  C-130J
                                                                               fuselage, F-16 fuselage and intake.
                                                                               Lockheed Martin has also partnered
                                                                               with HAI on the Hellenic Navy’s P-3B
                                                                               maritime patrol aircraft moderniza-
                                                                               tion and upgrade programme.

                                                                               HAI also intends to enter into the
                                                                               manufacture  of  Unmanned  Aerial
                                                                               Vehicles  (UAV)  and  is  upgrading
                                                                               company infrastructure related to its
                                                                               design and development capabilties
                                                                               for such new products. HAI is also
        Hellenic efforts to enhance defence  induct 700 new employees to cater  providing training for 2,875 students
        preparedness has resulted in the  for growing requirements from the  from the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
        Hellenic  Aviation  Industry  (HAI)  Hellenic Armed Forces.            over the next 10 years under a deal
        having restarted recruitment of  HAI is also upgrading F-16 aircraft  worth 175 million euros. The educa-
        new employees after a long pause.  for the Hellenic Air Force to F-16V  tion of the first batch of 80 students
        The airframer has said that it  will  standard with delivery rates of four  is already underway.

        18 | June/July 2021                                                        WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ ADT
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