Page 15 - ADT JULY - AUGUST 2022 Online Magazine
P. 15
mid-level range gap between Vietnam’s long-
range S-300P systems and low-level SPYDER
Having to contend with two hostile neighbors
in China and Pakistan, India is working on a [ AIR DEFENCE ]
two-tier air defence system – Pradyumna Air
Defence (PAD) and Advanced Air Defence
(AAD). The Indian Army, which had inducted
Akash into service in 2015, a year after the
Indian Air Force took delivery, has expressed
interest in acquiring “Akash Prime” missile
system, which was successfully flight-tested
in September last year when it intercepted
integrate a range of radars, sensors, and effectors. and destroyed an unmanned aerial target
that mimicked an enemy aircraft. Developed
Thales, one of the prominent players in the market, has supplied by the Defence Research and Development
Finnish Army Ground Based Air Defence (GBAD) units with Crotale Laboratory (DRDL), the missile system is man-
air defence missile systems. In January this year, the company ufactured by Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL)
signed a contract with Weibel Scientific, a Danish advanced doppler and Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL). Although
radar manufacturer, to acquire 12 Weibel Xenta short-range ground Akash Prime has an operational range similar
mission radars. The radars will be a part of Thales’ GBAD solution to the original Akash - 27-30 km and a flight
that offers short, mid, and long-range protection. altitude of around 18 km, it has an indigenously
developed active radio frequency (R.F.) seeker
for improved accuracy to hit aerial targets. The
The Asian Landscape Indian Air Force (IAF) inducted Akash into ser-
Eager to enhance its air defence capabilities, Singapore Armed vice in 2014, with the Indian Army following suit
Forces (SAF) is testing TPQ-53 WLR, a weapon locating radar in 2015.
(WLR) that can locate and track hostile rocket, artillery, and mortar
(RAM) threats. According to reports, the radar can determine the A major element of India air defence capabil-
location of such threats at a range of up to 60km, besides having ities is the Russian S-400 missile system; in
the capability to switch to a 360-degree rotating mode to provide 2018, the country had braved the threat of
all-round coverage.
sanctions from the U.S. and signed a US$ 5
billion deal with Russia to buy five units of the
Vietnam, which acquired five batteries of Rafael’s SPYDER surface- system. The delivery of the first regiment of
to-air missile systems following a contract in 2015, is reportedly the missile system took place in December last
eyeing India’s indigenously developed New Generation (Akash NG) year while the supply of the second system
surface-to-air missile (SAM) system, which has a 70–80-kilo- began in April. The delivery of the systems is
meter range and was first tested in January 2021. The country reportedly on schedule.
could become the first international customer of the type once it
is cleared for production in 2023. An export variant of the Akash
NG is expected by 2025. According to defence analysts, the Akash Keen to keep pace with India, Pakistan Army’s
NG is an attractive proposition for Vietnam as it can cover the Air Defence forces introduced a variant of the
Chinese-made HQ-9 surface-to-air missile
(SAM) system in October last year. The High-
to-Medium Air Defence System (HIMADS) is
capable of operating as part of an integrated
air and missile defence network. According
to reports, the HQ-9/P has an engagement
range against cruise missiles and aircraft in
excess of 100 km with a high “single shot kill
probability.” In 2017, the country had inducted
the Chinese made Low-to-Medium Altitude Air
Defence System (LOMADS) LY-80. The LY-80,
a product of China Aerospace Science and
Technology Corps (CASC), can hit targets of
an altitude of 400 to 10,000 metres. Pakistan
has also shown interest in the S-400 air and
missile defence system.