Page 14 - ADT JULY - AUGUST 2022 Online Magazine
P. 14

As part of a multinational effort to defeat air-based threats, a
                                                     number of NATO nations have come together to jointly develop,
                                                     acquire and deliver Ground Based Air Defence (GBAD) capabilities.
                                                     The modular GBAD project, which aims to acquire and field a mod-
                                                     ular solution for very short range, short range and medium range
                                                     ground-based air defence involves Belgium, Denmark, Germany,
                                                     Hungary, Italy, Latvia, The Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain, the UK,   [ AIR  DEFENCE ]
                                                     U.S., Norway, Poland, and Portugal. The Rapidly Deployable C-RAM
                                                     project involves Germany, Greece, Hungary, the UK, U.S., Poland,
                                                     and Norway.

                                                     The U.S. Army, which had received  two Rafael-Raytheon developed
                                                     Iron Dome batteries and was using them as an interim cruise missile
        opportunities and technology implementations”  defense capability, has dropped plans to procure two additional
        based on the Iron Beam.                      batteries. The focus has shifted to the adoption of an enduring
                                                     Indirect Fires Protection Capability (IFPC), with Dynetics being
                                                     chosen in August last year to build prototypes for the prototypes for
        Spurred Into Action                          the proposed system that will counter both drone and cruise missile
        South Korea initially considered buying the   threats. Dynetics beat competition from Rafael and Raytheon that
        Iron Dome, which is the most deployed mis-   proposed the Iron Dome launcher and the SkyHunter interceptor.
        sile defense system with more than 2,000
        interceptions and a success rate greater than   The setback in the U.S. notwithstanding, the Iron Dome continues
        90%, but has now decided to develop a low    to be a sought-after system. Ukraine wants it to thwart Russian
        altitude missile defence system (LAMD). The   aggression, but Israel, which is worried about inviting Moscow’s
        goal is to deploy the air defense systems in   ire if the sale went through, has reacted negatively to the request.
        the early 2030s. In October last year, South   The Biden administration’s plea to allies that have  Russian equip-
        Korean  defence  firm  LIG  Nex1  displayed  a   ment and systems, to consider sending S-300s and S-400s to the
        mock-up of a LAMD system, which comprises    besieged country, also hasn’t evoke a positive response.
        a missile launcher, a command post, and a
        multifunctional radar. The company displayed
        a missile that is likely to be modified from its  Causing A Ripple
        Korean Surface-to-Air Anti-Missile (K-SAAM)  In 2019, Lockheed Martin unveiled its Ground-based Air Defence
        that has been co-developed with the Agency  (GBAD) Family of Systems, touting it as the complete air defense
        for Defense Development. The LAMD, which is  solution for current and emerging threats. While traditional GBAD
        designed to defeat incoming artillery rockets,  systems are developed to safeguard against specific parts of the
        is a key part of the country’s efforts to build  threat spectrum - counter, rocket artillery and mortar, short-range
        an advanced layered air defense network  air defence, medium range air defence and counter unmanned
        that consists of land- and ship-based missile  aircraft systems, the ‘Family of Systems’ claims to have all threats
        defense systems.                             covered and is interoperable with allied nations. The system can

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