Page 28 - ADT SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
P. 28


             FUELLING GROWTH

           Defence establishments in South Korea have tailored export strategies

                   and optimised them to the demands of customer countries

                                                     By JAY MENON

                  or South Korea, its defence industry is the new  defence industry following an estimated US$15 billion arms
                  growth engine. The country is building an eco-  deal with Poland, by far the largest military export contract
                  system that will help shift the defence industry  in Seoul’s history.  A framework agreement was signed with
                  from a sector centred on internal demand to  Hyundai Rotem for the acquisition of a total of 1,000 K2
        F one that is focussed on exports.                    tanks and its Polonized K2PL development version along
                                                              with accompanying vehicles, technical and engineering
                                                              support vehicles, accompanying bridges, and other ele-
        Underscoring the government’s ambitions of transforming   ments based on Polish solutions, as well as a training and
        the country into an arms-exporting powerhouse, defence   logistics package, ammunition supply and manufacturer’s
        establishments in South Korea have tailored export strat-  technical support.
        egies, optimised to the demands of customer countries by
        region, and have been conducting market development
        activities in future effective markets in Europe, Africa, the  Another framework agreement with Hanwha Defense
        Middle East, and Latin America.                       covers the acquisition of a total of 672 K9A1 self-propelled
                                                              howitzers and its Polonized K9PL development version
                                                              along with accompanying vehicles, as well as a training
        July 2022 marked a huge milestone for the South Korean
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