Page 23 - ADT SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
P. 23

In order to meet this emerging demand, Aselsan has started     gies in the domain of naval combat solution,
         working on active protection technologies and developed active   weapon and air defence systems.
         protection systems, Pulat and Akkor. Pulat has been developed in a
         very short time span with a great effort, qualified by testing against   ADT: Any further plans for partnerships/subsid-
         hundreds of RPGs and ATGMs. Pulat, one of the few operationally   iaries or acquisitions abroad?
         used active protection systems in the world, has increased the
         survivability of Turkish main battle tanks.                    With regard to our international sales strategy,
                                                                        we have adopted the “global to local” business
         Aselsan, which is ever-growing in active protection technologies,   philosophy, where we continue to establish and
         has developed Akkor active protection system, for covering various   build joint ventures, local production facilities
         mission requirements defined for Altay main battle tanks. Aselsan,   and branch offices abroad, thus increasing
         creating operationally used products with Akkor and Pulat active   physical presence abroad and easing access
         protection product family, will be a pioneer in the world in active   to our clients. These establishments are not
         protection systems.                                            only used for transfer of technology among
                                                                        many but also enables us to be available for
                                                                        clients’ requests in close geographical prox-
        ADT: What are Aselsan’s international ambitions for the next five-  imity to solve their needs and requirements
        years? Could you share with us your strategy for the Asia & Pacific   efficiently.
        region, especially?

                                                                        Today, as a technology hub at world stan-
         Aselsan’s vision is being a leading technology company that main-  dards, we continue our sustainable and stable
         tains its sustainable growth by creating value in the global market.   marketing activities in global markets with our
         Innovation and technological developments are the key forces   wide product range extending from military
         that have the ability to alter the global operations. Being aware   systems to civil solutions, our 12 international
         of that Aselsan uses every means of scientific research to bring   subsidiaries and offices continuously and tire-
         forward deep engineering capabilities and advance technological   lessly. Keeping our company’s mission in front,
         infrastructure. One of my first actions as the CEO of Aselsan, will be   to provide high value added and innovative
         increasing our international sales and improve our organizational   solutions to both local and international cli-
         structure with respect to business process transformations and   ents, our main aim is to adopt our experience
         partnership strategies to better serve our clients.            in the defence industry for the protection and
                                                                        security of people and the planet, whilst grow-
         Especially in the Asia & Pacific region we have been pursuing recent   ing in global markets and further increasing the
         developments and on-going opportunities not only with regard to   local presences in promising territories.
         the defence and civil opportunities, but also investment prospects.
         Believing in the emerging potential of the region, Aselsan is keen
         in building strategic underlying partnerships. Currently, we are in   We will also continue to supply high technol-
         service of more than 15 countries in the Asia & Pacific region with   ogy products and solutions in the domain of
         providing wide spectrum of state-of-the-art defence technolo-  commercial and civilian fields..

        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                     SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2023 | 23
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