Page 26 - ADT SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
P. 26

With powerful and intelligent sensors, the military will need
                                                              to be able to transmit and understand more data than
                                                              ever. That requires coordination of datalinks between
                                                              platforms that, in many cases, were not designed to com-
                                                              municate with one another.

                                                              To solve for that, the Intelligent Gateway system turns dis-
                                                              connected platforms into connectivity hotspots for data to
                                                              pass through. At Northern Edge,  the Intelligent Gateway,
          NOT JUST A TANKER                                   combined with a battlespace command-and-control
                                                              center capability, demonstrated how the KC-135 could
                                                              serve as a command-and-control node to conduct battle
                                                              management and dynamic targeting.
        In a recent demonstration, the                        Meanwhile, Gen. Mike Minihan, the head of the USAF’s Air
        KC-135 showed it can do more in the U.S.              Mobility Command (AMC), suggested the use of the aerial
        military’s future approach to combat                  refuelling aircraft to carry dozens of drones as well as force
                                                              them to be closer to the fight.

        By JAY MENON                                          A drone could come out [of the KC-135] and it could
                                                              provide [positioning, navigation, and timing, or PNT] to
        The KC-135 has been the backbone of the US Air Force’s   someone who doesn’t have it,” Minihan was quoted by
        aerial refueling tanker fleet since 1957, and is projected to   U.S. media reports. “It could fly a life vest to a downed pilot
        serve until the 2040s.  Through the years, the KC-135 has   or a radio to a downed pilot. You could actually fly down
        been altered to do other jobs ranging from flying com-  and survey the runway, which you’re about to land on. ... it
        mand post missions to reconnaissance.  Now, the flying   can provide some sort of search mechanism for an enemy
        gas station for military aircraft, in a recent demonstra-  force if you want it or you can simply fly down and go to
        tion showed it can do more in the U.S. military’s future   sleep and be there available for when you want to wake it
        approach to combat.                                   up. ... it can provide decoys ... it can provide some sort of
                                                              ELINT [electronic intelligence], some type of [intelligence]
                                                              collection. ... I see that those types of things [what these
        Equipped with a system known as the Intelligent Gateway   drones could do] are limitless.”
        from Collins Aerospace, an RTX business, the tanker
        bridged disparate networks – some within the line of sight,
        some beyond – at Northern Edge 2023, a military exercise   “Hopefully,  you  know,  [it  will  happen]  during  my  time
        led by the U.S Indo-Pacific Command in Alaska and the   at AMC... [but] what it takes to get it from operational
        Western Pacific.                                      concept to program of record, probably a little more chal-
                                                              lenging,” Gen. Minihan added.

        In that exercise, a modified KC-135 supplied by the Utah Air
        National Guard flew alongside the Multi-Program Testbed   The tanker force will be forced to be closer to the fight.
        – a modified Boeing 727 outfitted with powerful sensors by   As a result, improvements in defensive systems—to include
        Raytheon, also an RTX business – and seamlessly trans-  electronic warfare capabilities—will be a requirement for
        ferred targeting data on simulated threats at the tactical   future acquisition, he noted.
        edge, a term for the front lines of battle. The Intelligent
        Gateway then used autonomous routing to filter data and   “Hang an automated missile defence system and an
        send it securely to U.S. and allied decision-makers across   electronic warfare pod off the wings and belly. Do it now
        multiple classification levels.                       under-wing of a KC-46A or of a modified KC-135. You
                                                              have now changed the calculus for the enemy. You have
        “We only have so many surveillance aircraft available, and   now created enormous dilemmas for the enemy. Creating
        in a theatre as large as the Indo-Pacific, there’s going to   doubt and increasing cognitive load defeats the enemy’s
        be a lot of holes with no command and control,” said U.S.   will to win, these efforts will deter,” Gen. Minihan said.
        Air Force Maj. Mike Starley, Air National Guard Air Force
        Reserve Command Test Center KC-135 test detachment    The suggestions come amid efforts to gradually replace
        director, in a Pacific Air Forces article. “But we’re always   the advanced tanker aircraft with advanced Boeing KC-46
        going to have a tanker there, no matter what. Now we’re   Pegasus. However, the KC-135 is expected to remain in
        able to take advantage of all that space and use the   service for the foreseeable future, fulfilling critical aerial
        KC-135 that’s already in the fight anyway for command   refueling needs until the transition to newer platforms is
        and control.”                                         complete..

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