Page 30 - ADT SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
P. 30

According to data from the Stockholm  on General Dynamics’ M1 Abrams, and K200-KIFV (Korea Infantry
        International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI),  Fighting Vehicle), manufactured by Daewoo and based on the
        South Korea’s share of the global arms exports  American AIFV) in the mid-1980s to K-1 basic trainer aircraft, made by
        over a five-year period ending in 2021 was 2.8  KAI, the Chang Bogo class submarine (upgraded German 209-type,
        per cent, making it the eighth largest in the  produced by DMSE), in 1990s, K-50 supersonic advanced trainers
        world. By comparison, during the preceding  and multirole light fighters developed by KAI, and Son Won Il class
        five-year period, South Korean arms exports  submarines (German 214-type submarines), produced by Hyundai
        accounted  for  just  1  per  cent  of  the  global  in recent years.
        output for 13th place overall.
                                                     Today, South Korea has already become an aggressive competitor
        According to Morgan Stanley, South Korea  with Europe in high-end military components, matching Western
        has become a major exporter of military and  standards for quality and performance.  The government is devel-
        defence equipment and supplies, with 2022  oping defence industry export markets and promoting marketing
        exports totalling 22.9 trillion South Korean won  activities.
        (US$17.9 billion). That’s more than double the
        figure of 9.5 trillion won in 2021. “Rising demand   The South Korean government has established a tailored export
        from Europe and Asia for Korean manufacturers   strategy, optimised to the demands of customer countries by region,
        to provide military/defence equipment, includ-  and has been conducting market development activities in future
        ing tanks, artillery, and airplanes, are pushing   effective markets in Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America.
        up export volumes,” said the bank’s second half   Moreover, it has been facilitating high-level military exchanges and
        outlook investment report on South Korea.    cooperation, such as the meetings with the foreign military attachés,
                                                     and enhancing the foundations for a defence industry export market
        How it All Started                           by promoting the Seoul ADEX as a world-class defence industry
        The South Korean defence industry began
        with production of rifles which imitated M-16,   Aerospace Defence Booster
        the ammunitions and other small arms not
        significantly  considered  advanced  technol-  The aerospace defence industry pushes the South Korean arms
        ogy. It rapidly developed and produced more  exports. The country has succeeded deals to sell KT-1 and T-50s
        advanced defence products with the K-1  to Indonesia, Turkey, Peru, Iraq and the Philippines. KAI is seeking to
        88-tanks, manufactured by Hyundai, based  export T-50 to several countries including the United Arab Emirates.

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