Page 27 - ADT SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
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2. Humanitarian and Disaster Relief: With its
ability to transport 74 tons of payload, users
can deliver essential equipment, vehicles, aid
supplies and personnel over both land and
water. SSC technology is developed to con-
tinue the tested and proven humanitarian
relief efforts of the legacy LCAC. Utilized in
the aftermath of natural disasters, the legacy
LCAC demonstrated its ability to reach iso-
lated communities, deliver immediate relief
and facilitate evacuations.
3. Island Hopping: Navigating landforms with
a variety of terrains, many of which have lim-
THE RIGHT CHOICE ited infrastructure, the SSC provides seamless
transportation between islands, enhancing
connectivity and strategic reach. By provid-
ing a reliable and swift connection, the SSC
Textron Systems’ Ship-to-Shore Connector enables more efficient resource allocation,
(SSC) supports a variety of naval missions and improved defence capabilities, and faster
collaboration during joint military exercises.
is an ideal fit for users across the Indo-Pacific With decades of experience manufacturing,
fielding and supporting ACVs, customers can
By Our Special Correspondent acquire the SSC – the most mature, proven
technology available – without the prohibitive
As allies in the Indo-Pacific work to build and sustain stability across cost and development time required to design,
waterways with significant regional economic and national defence develop and mature alternative platforms.
impact, the ability to traverse these waters and shores is more crit- To ensure seamless integration and optimal
ical than ever. utilization of the SSC, Textron Systems offers
comprehensive training programmes to oper-
ators and maintainers. These programmes equip
Air cushion vehicles (ACVs) have been utilized in the region for personnel with the necessary knowledge and
decades with great success in a variety of mission sets, allowing skills to maximize the SSC’s potential.
users to deliver equipment, personnel and supplies to undeveloped
shorelines. These vehicles hold an enduring importance for naval Foreign military sales customers can request
and humanitarian missions in the Indo-Pacific. Today, the world’s access to the U.S. Navy’s comprehensive SSC
foremost expert in ACVs has developed a modernized craft to pro- sustainment programmes upon procurement of
tect and enhance Indo-Pacific security; it is available globally for the craft, thereby receiving hands-on field sup-
an efficient and effective solution. port and training in-country, spares and parts
replacement, and configuration management
to significantly reduce the lifetime maintenance
Textron Systems’ Ship-to-Shore Connector (SSC) is a state-of- cost of the craft. The U.S. Navy’s engagement
the-art amphibious vehicle designed to support a variety of naval guarantees access to cutting-edge technolo-
mission sets. Developed as a replacement for the legacy Landing gies, rigorous maintenance protocols, and an
Craft Air Cushion (LCAC), which has delivered decisive maritime effective training framework, as well as facili-
capability to users including the Japanese Maritime Defence Force tates international cooperation and the ability
over more than three decades, the SSC is designed with numerous of joint forces to respond rapidly to evolving
technological advancements to reach 80% of the world’s coastlines, challenges.
in even the most logistically contested environments.
Textron Systems’ groundbreaking SSC brings
With a payload capacity of 74 tons, reduced crew requirements to immense potential to established LCAC users
only four personnel, and the ability to maintain a speed of 35 knots like the Japanese Maritime Defence Force, as
at Sea State 3, the SSC can reach even the most underdeveloped well as potential users across the Indo-Pacific
shorelines. Built with corrosion-resistant aluminum and four gas region. Through their legacy of designing supe-
turbine engines, this ACV has the power to provide agile “shore to rior LCAC vehicles and the numerous technical
advancements made to the SSC, users can
shore” operations in challenging amphibious environments: access logistically challenged waterways and
shorelines, support humanitarian efforts, aid
1. Logistically Contested Environments: The SSC has been proven disaster relief operations, and significantly
to safely navigate shallow waters, soft beach landings, and even improve island hopping capabilities. Textron
debris-laden areas. The unique air cushioned hull allows it to Systems stands ready to support its customers
withstand harsh weather conditions and rugged coastal terrains, in the region to navigate the challenges of the
offering unparalleled adaptability for navigating the Indo-Pacific’s future, ensuring a safer and more connected
waterways. world..