Page 11 - ADT MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 11


         The military trainer aircraft market has never had it this good

                                               By  ARUN SIVASANKARAN
       T        he demand for increas-      spawned public-private partnerships  pronounced in the future.

                                            in different regions.
                ingly sophisticated military
                trainer aircraft is growing
                                                                                functions as a supersonic trainer
        at a fast clip as countries around   Providing further momentum are     The T-50 Golden Eagle, which
        the world invest in next generation   the increase in defence budgets   and light fighter, is just one of the
        fighter aircraft and introduce new   in the post-pandemic era and the   multi-role trainers that are much in
        aircraft platforms.                 growing realization in military circles  demand. Different variants of the
                                            that future wars will be won or lost   aircraft, which has been developed
        Efforts to enhance pilot skills and   primarily in the air domain. Perhaps   by Korea Aerospace Industries
        flight readiness among air forces,   the biggest reason for the expected   (KAI) with Lockheed Martin, is in
        triggered by the ongoing Russian    growth of the market is the inclina-  service with several countries,
        aggression on Ukraine and simmer-   tion of air forces globally to acquire   including South Korea, Indonesia,
        ing regional tensions, are acting   multi-role trainer aircraft.        Iraq, The Philippines, Thailand,
        as a catalyst for the military trainer                                  Poland and Malaysia. Among the
        aircraft market that is expected to   Hot Property                      other multi-role trainer aircraft in
        reach US$17.4 Billion by 2032 at    Due to the high costs involved in   the market are India’s Light Combat
        6.2 percent CAGR.  Although North   acquiring advanced 4th and 5th      Aircraft (LCA) Tejas, Pakistan’s
        America accounts for more than      generation combat jets, militaries   JF-17, Leonardo’s M-346, and the
        36 percent of the global market,    are keen on optimizing pilot train-  Russian-made MiG-35.
        there is plenty of activity happening   ing budgets and are increasingly
        in other regions, both in terms of   leaning towards aircraft types that   Indigenous Efforts
        development and acquisition of new  are capable of perform both training  In October last year, Hindustan
        trainer aircraft. The need to provide   and active-duty roles. Industry ana-  Aeronautics Limited (HAL) deliv-
        advanced pilot training has also    lysts expect the trend to be more   ered the first twin-seat trainer
        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                               MAY - JULY 2024  | 11
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