Page 27 - ADT MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 27
communicated with other manned
aircraft without the need for an air
vehicle operator on the ground. The
demonstration occurred in a virtual
environment with the MQ-25 com-
municating with the E-2D Advanced
Hawkeye airborne command and
control aircraft and the F/A-18
Super Hornet. Northrop Grumman’s
E-2D simulator worked along-
side Boeing’s F/A-18 and MQ-25
In July 2022, Boeing and the US
Navy announced that they had
completed a series of successful
MUM-T flight tests in which a Block
III F/A-18 Super Hornet demon-
strated command and control of
three unmanned aerial vehicles
platforms from European forces of the mission without increasing (UAVs). In Two months later, the
to interoperate. The project, which their workload. CUC-T also extends company demonstrated open
has a planned demonstration operational range because the autonomy architecture for MUM-T
phase this year, envisages mixed- uncrewed system can operate with with the MQ-25. The demonstration
fleet operations in the military and high persistency beyond the horizon included Northrop Grumman’s E-2D
civil domain through high levels of of helicopters’ embarked payloads Advanced Hawkeye command and
interoperability, increased auton- while providing valuable data to the control aircraft, the P-8A Poseidon
omy and improved human machine pilots of the crewed aircraft.” maritime patrol and reconnaissance
interfaces. aircraft, and the F/A-18 Block III
The MUM-T concept is a Super Hornet fighter jet. The three
Leonardo’s Big Plans key element of Leonardo’s naval aircraft tasked four virtual
Leonardo Helicopters is among “BeTomorrow2030” Strategic MQ-25s to conduct intelligence,
the industry consortium members Plan. In September 2020, the surveillance and reconnaissance
from four EU nations involved in Italian conglomerate successfully missions.
the MUSHER project; its AWHero demonstrated integrated capabil-
is one of the platforms involved, ities between a manned aircraft The Boeing MQ-28 Ghost Bat, a
potentially teamed with an AW189 and a drone during trials between stealth, multirole UAV developed
helicopter. Thales, Indra, and a Leonardo AW159 Wildcat heli- by Boeing Australia for the Royal
three companies from Belgium copter and a semi-autonomous Australian Air Force (RAAF), is built
- Moeyersons, Royal Military UAV from Callen-Lenz Associates. for MUM-T missions. Designed as
Academy and Space Applications Leonardo’s MUM-T solution allowed a force multiplier aircraft capable
Services – are part of the team. the Wildcat crew to control both the of flying alongside manned aircraft
flight path and payload of the UAV for support and performing autono-
using a task-based Human Machine
“There are several key benefits Interface (HMI). The demonstration, mous missions independently using
to Crewed Uncrewed Teaming which was part of the British Army’s artificial intelligence, the first proto-
(CUC-T),” says Roberto Pretolani, MUMT themed Army Warfighting type was rolled out in May 2020 and
Marketing Manager for Rotary Experiment (AWE) 19, was planned completed its first flight in February
Uncrewed Aerial System (RUAS) and executed by Dstl. 2021. The RAAF has so far ordered
at Leonardo Helicopters. “While ten MQ-28As. In May this year, Air
improving overall mission effec- Boeing Gets Busy Marshal Robert Chipman, the chief
tiveness, deploying uncrewed of the Royal Australian Air Force,
and crewed platforms together A big part of Boeing’s MUM-T said that Australia would begin test-
also reduces the risk to aircrew in experiments involves the Apache ing the Ghost Bat in 2025. The UAV
high-threat scenarios by improving AH-64E but are not limited to it. “will demonstrate the potential
their situational awareness and it In July 2021, the Navy’s MQ-25 of crewed and uncrewed teaming
allows pilots to remain at the centre Stingray unmanned aerial refueler to improve the survivability and