Page 30 - ADT MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 30
The Akash-NG is being designed Both radars offer 360-degree cover- Radar Power System (RPS),
to cater for the interception of high age with search on move and track Reloader Vehicle (RV) and Field
manoeuvring low Radar Cross on move capability. The missile Service Vehicle (FSV).
Section (RCS) aerial threats as makes use of a single stage solid
demanded by the IAF. The weapon propellant and features a midcourse The MRSAM system is capable of
system features a canisterised inertial navigation system with two- engaging targets out to distances
launcher and has a much smaller way data link and terminal active of 70 km and will provide the IAF
ground footprint for better deploy- seeker developed indigenously by with point and area air defence for
ability in difficult terrain. DRDO. According to DRDO offi- ground assets against a wide range
cials the uniqueness of the QRSAM of threats including fighter aircraft,
QR SAM weapon system is that it can oper- UAVs, helicopters, guided and
The Quick Reaction Surface to Air ate on the move with search and unguided munitions, sub-sonic &
Missile (QRSAM) is being devel- track capability & fire on short supersonic cruise missiles etc. The
oped by the DRDO for an Indian halt. The QRSAM will also have a missile is powered by indigenously
Army requirement. The first test range of 25-30 km. developed rocket motor and control
of the QRSAM took place MRSAM system for achieving high manoeu-
in December 2019 and the vrability during the terminal phase.
weapon system was orig- The Medium Range Surface
inally slated to have been to Air Missile (MRSAM) The MRSAM is already installed
ready for induction in the System is a tri-service on some Indian Navy warships
army in 2021. However develop- weapon system that was and will be fitted on all future major
mental testing is still underway. jointly developed by DRDO warships of the Indian Navy. The
and the weapon system, which with Israel Aerospace MRSAM will also be inducted into
can operate on the move, con- Industries (IAI) and will serve the army and has completed its
sists of indigenously developed the army, air force and navy. developmental trials for the same.
subsystems. The first deliverable Firing Unit (FU)
of the MRSAM was delivered to the VSHORADS
The QRSAM weapon system IAF in September 2021. The firing
comprises of a fully automated unit comprises of Missiles, Combat The Very Short Range Air Defence
Command and Control System, Management System (CMS), System (VSHORADS) is another
Active Array Battery Surveillance Mobile Launcher Systems (MLS), weapon system under devel-
Radar, Active Array Battery Advanced Long Range Radar, opment with DRDO, which also
Multifunction Radar and Launcher. Mobile Power System (MPS), performed two succesful flight tests
in February this year. These tests
were carried out against high speed
unmanned aerial targets under
different interception scenarios. The
missile is propelled by a dual thrust
solid motor and has been optimised
for neutralizing low altitude aerial
threats at short ranges
India’s Defence Acquisition Council
had accorded its Acceptance of
Necessity (AoN) in January 2023
for the procurement of an IR
Homing VSHORAD that was under
development with DRDO. The man-
portable system is being acquired
for the army, which requires a porta-
ble weapon system for deployment
at high altitudes. The DRDO has
also incorporated a miniaturized
Reaction Control System (RCS)
along with integrated avionics..