Page 32 - ADT MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 32

parameters captured during the      information to the operator, they   level. We are able to provide gran-
         mission are then used by the        can carry out the required main-    ular detail on how much stock is
         operator and GA’s SkyGuadrian’s     tenance activity in time. After the   required for which part, when they
         Global Support Solutions (SGSS)     maintenance is done, the origi-     need to be ordered, and the quan-
         to plan the repair and replace-     nal part is repaired, replaced or   tities that need to be ordered. All
         ment of parts and drive the global   removed from the inventory.        this is managed by our software
         supply chain. The information is                                        which provides GA-ASI with all
         also used to forecast the mainte-   The other most important thing      the critical information it requires.
         nance requirements.                 when it comes to drone mainte-      As you can see, we support the
                                             nance and operations is that they   complete lifecycle management
        Q How does Ramco Aviation            are often operated in multiple      of advanced drones right from
        Software aid operators in Drone      locations and not just in a single   operation, configuration and main-
        maintenance?                         country or location. GA-ASI has     tenance planning to sustaining
                                             built this whole global supply      the entire global supply chain
         As compared to aircraft, drones     chain to support the parts for      behind it.
         are relatively simpler though they   their drones, with a global central
         are still highly sophisticated in   warehouse in the USA and in other   Q Could you provide additional
         many areas. when it comes to        countries. There are also regional   details on Ramco’s partnership
         drone maintenance, it involves      warehouses, field level ware-      with General Atomics?
         less of repair activity and more of   houses and in Ramco Aviation
         replacement activity. As a result   Software we have developed what
         it is important to ensure that all   we call as the warehouse matrix    GA-ASI has some of the most
         the necessary parts required for    concept for multi-tier inventory    sophisticated military drones in
         maintenance are available with      planning or multi echelon inventory   the world, and I am proud to say
         the operator in a timely manner.    planning.                           that we have a very, very unique
         Hence, we require the data as to                                        partnership. It has its roots in the
         when a part has to be replaced      All this is done with our software,   concept of bundling hardware and
         after certain number of cycles or   which, based on the consumption     software systems as a complete
         hours or missions. Our software     of parts used by drones in different   package. GA-ASI, in addition to
         solutions are able to precisely do   countries, and is able to create the   supplying the drones, also pro-
         this, and also identify when a par-  information needed on the inven-   vides support services through its
         ticular part needs to be replaced   tory, positioning and planning,     global support services arm.
         based on the data we have accu-     all the way from the field to the
         mulated. Once we provide this       regional and central warehouse      SkyGuardian Global Support
                                                                                 Solutions (SGSS) is a sustain-
                                                                                 ment programme introduced by
                                                                                 GA-ASI in partnership with Ramco
                                                                                 Systems, where we provide the
                                                                                 Enterprise Resource Planning
                                                                                 (ERP) software platform for
                                                                                 Maintenance Repair & Overhaul
                                                                                 (MRO) services to support MQ-9B
                                                                                 SkyGuardian and SeaGuardian
                                                                                 Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA)
                                                                                 systems. The Ramco Aviation
                                                                                 MRO Suite delivers end-to-end
                                                                                 support of MRO requirements for
                                                                                 MQ-9B systems, which includes
                                                                                 line, component, hangar, and OEM
                                                                                 aftermarket services. This cloud-
                                                                                 based software can be accessed
                                                                                 and used not only by GA-ASI but
                                                                                 also by their customers. The oper-
                                                                                 ations and maintenance planning
                                                                                 is carried out using Ramco soft-
                                                                                 ware by their military customers..

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