Page 31 - ADT MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 31
Exclusive Interview:
Manoj K Singh, Chief Customer Officer,
Global Aviation Aerospace and Defence
at Ramco Systems
Ramco Aviation which offers indus- I will take very specific exam- this is that, if we take the exam-
try leading maintenance software ple and that is the best way to ple of the Sky Guardian, Ramco
for civil and defence applications describe how Ramco gets used is able to work with the military
is now also offering a plethora of in the context of drones over operator to analyse data related
services for drones. In an exclu- their complete life cycle. I will talk to their operational parameters in
sive interview with Atul Chandra, about a major customer we have terms of how long they have flown,
Manoj K Singh, Chief Customer in General Atomics Aeronautical number of flying hours, operating
Officer, Global Aviation Aerospace Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI). As you cycles, etc. So we capture various
and Defence at Ramco Systems know some of their products in different parameters and share
outlines the company’s deep part- the drone space are - Reaper, the analysed data with the military
nership with global military drone Sky Guardian, Sea Guardian, etc. operators through their ground
powerhouse General Atomics India is also one of the customers stations. This data is captured in
Aeronautical Systems, Inc. “We for GA-ASI in the military domain. real time and used for determining
provide the Enterprise Resource Ramco has leveraged its exten- maintenance requirements for the
Planning (ERP) software platform sive experience in the helicopter drones.
for Maintenance Repair & Overhaul domain towards its solutions for
(MRO) services to support MQ-9B unmanned systems. In some We are also able to support the
SkyGuardian and SeaGuardian sense, both drones and helicop- military operators with the configu-
Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) ters operate similarly in the way ration management of drones. As
systems.” they can operate in remote areas you know, a drone has numerous
with little physical infrastructure. components, including batteries,
Edited excerpts from etc., and has unique configura-
the interview
So, the capabilities that we had in tion requirements in conjunction
Q How Ramco Aviation the helicopter space, we are able with the ground stations. We
Software is facilitating to parlay that success into our manage all of that in our system.
UAS/Drone Management? drone solutions. One example of The operational hours and other