Page 28 - ADT MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 28

lethality of our air combat system  aerial platforms (AAPS), in conjunc-  by the No. 3 Research Institute
        in an operationally relevant sce-   tion with an FA-50. The goal of the   under the China Aerospace Science
        nario,” he says.                    second phase from 2025 to 2028      and Industry Corporation (CASIC),
                                            will be to show an FA-50 testbed    reportedly is capable of teaming
        Korea Means Business                shows whether it can simultane-     up with manned aircraft in MUM-T
                                            ously control up to four AAPs. In the  combat and surveillance missions.
        In December 2022, Korea             next phase that will end in 2037,
        Aerospace Industries (KAI)          KAI will pursue MUM-T technolo-     India has made progress with
        announced that it had signed an     gies on a twin-seat KF-21, with the   its Combat Air Teaming System
        agreement with the Korea Research   company planning the development    (CATS) Warrior project, which
        Institute for Defence Technology    of a combat drone that will act as a   was unveiled in 2018 and intends
        Planning and Advancement (KRIT)     loyal wingman to the piloted aircraft.   to introduce a low-cost, twin-en-
        to develop technologies that enable   The company wants the KF-21       gine teaming drone that will be
        MUM-T of combat fighter jets,       to command up to four combat        capable of being paired with
        helicopters and military unmanned   drones, with each drone controlling   existing manned Indian Air Force
        aerial systems (UAS). The country’s   four AAPs. KAI envisages having a   fighter jets like Tejas or Rafale.
        Defence Acquisition Programme       system of systems by 2038.          The loyal wingman drone, which
        Administration has also asked                                           is being developed by Hindustan
        Korean Air Aerospace Division to    Not Lagging Behind                  Aeronautics Limited (HAL) in asso-
        develop a new loyal wingman that                                        ciation with New Space Research
        will work in tandem with manned     China, which has a growing and      & Technologies, will be capable
        aircraft in a MUM-T operation.      high-end military drone arsenal     of being operated from land, sea,
                                            that can be used for reconnais-
                                            sance as well as for combat, is     and motherships. In combat, the
        KAI envisages the use of manned     also reportedly working on incorpo-  manned fighter jet will be assisted
        aircraft like the KF-21 and FA-50   rating MUM-T into its operations.    by a swarm of low-cost drones that
        along with unmanned UAS as well     In October 2022, China Central      have payloads, sensors, and war-
        as a swarm of small-sized drones.   Television (CCTV) released a        fare capabilities. The inaugural flight
        The country’s air force plans to    digital artistic representation of   of the loyal wingman is expected
        acquire both single-seat and twin-  J-20 Generation 5 stealth fighter   next year. The CATS Warrior will
        seat variants of the KF-21, with first   and H-6K/N strategic bombers   work alongside AlFA-S swarming
        delivery scheduled for June 2026.   controlling wingmen drones. The     kamikaze drones, a High-Altitude
        The company’s ambitious MUM-T       screengrabs of the video on social   Pseudo-Satellite, and a mini smart
        plan has four phases, with the first   media shows a twin-seat Chengdu   cruise missile. In September
        phase – involving a helicopter and   J-20 flying with three GJ-11 ‘Sharp   2033, New Space Research &
        small UAVs- already underway and    Sword’ Unmanned Combat Aerial       Technologies introduced the
        set to conclude next year. Once the   Vehicles (UCAV) on the top, side,   Abhimanyu drone family that has
        concept is proved, the company      and front. The Sky Hawk UAV, a      variants designed for critical strate-
        plans to use bigger but inexpensive   long-endurance stealth UAV with a   gic roles such as ISR, EW, decoy,
        recoverable UAVs, called adaptable   flying wing configuration developed   and kamikaze. The drones can also
                                                                                be used along with manned aircraft
                                                                                for MUM-T operations.

                                                                                Pakistan is reportedly working on a
                                                                                joint drone programme with Turkey
                                                                                and China, one that will produce
                                                                                loyal wingman unmanned combat
                                                                                aerial vehicles (UCAVs) that can
                                                                                conduct ISTAR (intelligence, sur-
                                                                                veillance, target acquisition, and
                                                                                reconnaissance) and neutralize
                                                                                aerial threats. The drones would be
                                                                                capable of flying independently in
                                                                                support of manned aircraft as well
                                                                                as in swarms. The three countries
                                                                                are developing components of the
                                                                                MUM-T system together..

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