Page 36 - ADT MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 36
the TB2 is that all its avionics are
produced in-house. The ammunition
for the drone is supplied by fellow
Turkish companies.
Bigger and Meaner
Thriving on the momentum cre-
ated by the TB2 is the Bayraktar
Akıncı, Baykar’s high-altitude
long-endurance (HALE) unmanned
combat aerial vehicle. The first
three units entered service with the
Turkish Armed Forces in August
2021. Among the drone’s interna-
tional customers is Azerbaijan; in
February this year, it inaugurated
a training facility and maintenance
hangar for its Akinci. In March this
year, Baykar announced that it
would integrate Roketsan MAM-L remotely because of its Line-Of- over 200 km, for use against stra-
and MAM-T guided bombs onto Sight and Beyond-Line-Of-Sight tegic targets. The winged loitering
the Akıncı. communications capabilities. munition, which can be deployed by
drones such as the Akinci and TB2,
“Akinci is ten times bigger than the In May this year, the TB3 – which is capable of flying at least an hour
TB2,” says the official. “The aircraft has a length of 8.35 meters and in the air and is fitting with a turbojet
has a 5.5+ ton maximum take-off a wingspan of 14 meters - set a engine. The kamikaze drone, which
weight, of which over 1,350 kg is new altitude record by reaching can carry a payload of 6 kilograms
payload. It is capable of operating 33,000 feet during a high-alti- and has a laser rangefinder with a
at altitudes of 30,000-40,000 ft. We tude performance test. The drone range of 2.8 kilometres, can also
have already exported Akinci to was powered by the domestically perform an autonomous flight.
nine countries and are in discus- developed PD-170 engine produced Equipped with optical guidance
sions with a number of potential by TUSAS Engine Industries Inc. assisted by artificial intelligence
customers.” (TEI). The first TB3 prototype was (AI), Kagem can operate up to an
unveiled in March last year, with a altitude of 18,000 feet and has a
High Expectations successful test run happening early normal cruise speed of Mach 0.3
and a maximum speed of Mach 0.7.
in October, followed by initial take-
There is considerable excitement off and landing tests in the same
around the Bayraktar TB3 UCAV, month. The UAS’ maiden flight took Baykar is also working on the
an armed unmanned aerial vehicle place on October 27, 2023. The Bayraktar Kızılelma, a sin-
system that is currently being devel- drone has a payload capacity of up gle-engine, low-observable,
oped indigenously by the company. to 280 kilograms and is capable of a carrier-capable, jet-powered UCAV.
Designed to operate from aircraft maximum speed of 160 knots (300 The drone’s highlights are its
carriers and other naval vessels, km/h) and a cruise speed of 125 aggressive manoeuvring capabil-
the TB3 is capable of take-off and knots (232 km/h). The TB3, which ity and stealthiness against radar.
landing on short runway aircraft has an operational range extends of The UAV completed its first flight
carriers. Besides reconnaissance/ 1,000 knots (1,900 km), is equipped in December 2022. According to
surveillance and intelligence mis- with six hardpoints for various Baykar, Kızılelma will be able to
sions, the TB3 can launch an laser-guided munitions and features take off and land on short-runway
assault operation with the smart advanced avionics. aircraft carriers, and carry out
munitions stationed under its wings. missions with internally-carried
The drone can conduct armed More Products munitions. According to reports,
operations over the seas due in part the initial Bayraktar Kızılelma is
to custom capabilities, like foldable In April 2023, Baykar unveiled the subsonic, but planned variants
wings that enable use on aircraft Kemankes (Kagem) kamikaze (Kızılelma-B and Kızılelma-C) will
carriers. The drone can be operated drone, with an operational range of be supersonic..