Page 14 - DEFENSE & SECURITY 2022 - Day 1 | DAILY NEWS
P. 14

The Milkor 380 uses a relayed line of
           MILKOR EYES SE ASIA MARKET                                           sight (RLOS) communication network,
                                                                                significantly increasing its opera-
                                                                                tional range. In addition, the platform
                                                                                offers optional satellite communi-
                                                                                cations (SATCOM), extending  the
                                                                                operational range even further.

                                                                                Milkor SuperSix MRGL

                                                                                Milkor has been steadily develop-
                                                                                ing and expanding their arsenal
                                                                                of weapons, which includes their
                                                                                flagship the SuperSix MRGL, single
                                                                                shot grenade launcher the Stopper
                                                                                Convertible, the Under Barrel
                                                                                Grenade Launcher (UBGL) and MAR
                                                                                (Multi shot anti-riot). The SuperSix
        South African based defence group,   Systems, said, ‘the conglomerates’   has the capability to fire 40mm less
        Milkor is showcasing a wide range   platform design authority, has      lethal, Low and Medium Velocity
        of weapon systems at the ongoing    expressed their continuous eval-    NATO ammunition in quick succes-
        show as it seeks to make inroads in   uation  of  critical  safety  systems,   sion.  With  the  effective  range  of
        the market  for defence equipment   operational data, platform architec-  lethal ammunition ranging from 30m
        in the region. The South African firm   ture, and structural improvements   to 800m (ammunition dependant)
        already has a presence in India and   to produce a system that is unlike   the SuperSix enables the opera-
        the Middle East. Milkor has over 40   any other system currently being   tor to have a strategic advantage
        years of experience in the defence   offered.”                          in various scenarios. The ability
        industry  and  today  offers  a  large   The Milkor  380 unmanned aerial   to use 40mm High Explosive Dual
        portfolio of weapons systems.       system features five hardpoints -   purpose (HEDP) ammo allows sol-
        Having supplied their weapons to    two on each wing and one at the     diers to engage a variety of targets
        more than 60 countries worldwide,   centre of the fuselage, with the abil-  ranging from soft-skinned targets to
        Milkor’s weapons  platform has      ity to carry larger systems if needed.   anti-personnel applications.
        already proven its capability in the   Rylands highlights the development   Milkor’s  assault  rifle  rail  mounted
        field.                              of its state-of-the-art ground con-  grenade launcher is an Under Barrel
                                            trol station (GCS), featuring the   Grenade Launcher  (UBGL) which
        Milkor 380 UAS                      latest technology for its operators.   can be mounted onto MIR STD 1913
                                            “The GCS is sophisticated yet simple   picatinny rails, however Milkor does
        The company has also emerged as     and comfortable for long endurance   also offer mounting to various other
        a contender in the unmanned aero-   missions. The team used input from   gun platforms, most notably the AK
        space sector, with multiple platforms   experienced UAV pilots to create an   family. At just 1.1kg, the UBGL is one
        being introduced since its expansion   environment where operators can   of the lightest under barrel grenade
        in 2016. The Milkor 380, company’s   truly focus on their objective, without   launchers on the market. The UBGL
        newest unmanned platform has        unnecessary distractions”. According   has a unique swing open load-
        been in development since 2018 and   to Milkor’s published platform speci-  ing and re-cocking method, which
        in August, the company announced    fications, the system has a maximum   increases reliability, but this design
        that flight test results were expected   endurance of 35 hours, a maximum   also moves the centre of gravity
        to commence towards the end of      take-off weight (MTOW) of 1300 kg,   (COG) more towards the centre of
        the year. Ghaazim Rylands, Chief    and an external payload capacity    the rifle, increasing the stability and
        Executive Officer of Milkor Integrated   of 210 kg.                     ease of operation.

                                            RTAF TRAINS                        along with the French Air Force (Armee
                                                                               de L’air) undertook their own multilat-
                                                                               eral trainings. The visits took place
                                            IN JAPAN                           between 10-13 August. Both Thailand
                                                                               and  France  are  part  of  the  United
                                            The Royal Thai Air Force’s 601st   Nations and Yokota Air Base is one of
                                            Squadron which operates the C-130   seven U.S. bases designated for joint
                                            Hercules, visited Japan recently and   United Nations Command - Rear use.

        14 AUGUST  29  2022                                                       WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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