Page 11 - DEFENSE & SECURITY 2022 - Day 1 | DAILY NEWS
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        Unmanned aircraft coupled with      of missions that simulated shore-line   Loitering Strike
        powerful satellite communication    rescues, water rescues in dangerous
        have taken maritime awareness to    air space and long-distance ship res-  Similarly, IAI recently signed deals to
        the next level. Unmanned systems are   cues which crossed international air   provide loitering munitions systems
        becoming an increasingly essential   space lines. With a wingspan of 15m,   to Asian countries worth over US$100
        part of the world’s fleets as modern   the 1.2 ton, Hermes 900 is already   million. The deals include the sale
        navies seek new ways to complete    deployed with more than a dozen     of the Naval version of the Harop
        dangerous tasks.  To enable this,   advanced customers around the       system. The Maritime Harop system
        besides the United States, the United   globe providing search, rescue and   provides an operational solution
        Kingdom, Canada, France and the     reconnaissance capabilities.        for a range of vessels, from offshore
        Middle East, leading navies in the   Elbit Systems offers extended      vessels to fighting frigates in the
        Asia-Pacific region are investing   life-saving capabilities with its   naval theater. In a complex naval
        heavily on unmanned solutions for   recently launched Hermes 900        theater, the Harop system gives mis-
        maritime missions.                  Maritime Patrol configuration with   sion commanders in a fleet of ships
                                            inflated life-rafts for detection,   the capability to independently
                                            identification and saving the lives of
        Ocean Guardians                     survivors at sea. It was revealed that   and organically collect intelligence,
                                            this configuration was delivered to   assess targets and strike.
        The platforms chosen, range from    an undisclosed customer in South-   The intelligence gathered by the
        Boeing Insitu-made ScanEagle,       East Asia. Interactively controlled   Harop is directly integrated in the
        Northrop Grumman MQ-4C Triton       from mobile land-based mission sys-  vessel’s control room and allows for
        to Israel’s Elbit Systems’ the Hermes   tems, fixed operation rooms or own   quick, accurate and lethal deci-
        900 MALE UAV and Israel Aerospace   force ships, Hermes 900 provides    sion-making. Use of the Harop on
        Industries (IAI)- made Harop systems.  multi-sensor data and live video in   naval platforms is an operational
        Recently,  Hermes  900  Unmanned    real time to mission operators and   alternative and complementary ele-
        Aerial System (UAS) successfully    ship crews at sea.
        completed a series of flight demon-  Hermes 900 UAS can operate stand   ment to using sea-sea missiles, with
        strations for the U.K. Maritime and   alone or can be integrated into an   a wide range of uses and with opti-
        Coastguard Agency (MCA). The        overall setup of aircraft, ships, shore   mal cost-efficiency for the navy.  The
        demonstration was run by the MCA    or offshore based sensors, and mari-  maritime and land combat-proven
        and were designed to test the capa-  time control centers and HQ.  Hermes   Harop provides an operational
        bilities of using a UAS to enhance   900 can perform versatile missions   solution  for  a  range  of  low  and
        Search and Rescue (SaR) capabilities.  such as EEZ monitoring & control,   high-intensity conflict scenarios and
        In the recent demonstration, the    coastal protection,  surveillance  &   for anti-terrorism activity. The Harop
        Hermes 900 equipped with search     protection of vital assets (such as oil   is equipped with day/night cameras
        and rescue specific radar, an       rigs), anti-piracy operations, environ-  and has the ability to search, find
        Automatic Identification System     mental monitoring, search & rescue   and attack with maximum precision
        (AIS), EO/IR payload, an Emergency   operations as well as participation   both static and moving targets, on
        Position-Indicating Radio Beacon    in Naval warfare (ASuW), Sea-Shore   land or at sea and at a long-range.
        (EPIRB) and full satellite communi-  operations, and more, a company    A strike can take place from any
        cations, was deployed on a range
                                            official informed.                  direction and at any angle of attack.
        DEFENCE & SECURITY 2022                                                               AUGUST  29  2022  11
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