Page 13 - DEFENSE & SECURITY 2022 - Day 1 | DAILY NEWS
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SK GROUP HIGHLIGHTS SMALL distance of over of 50 meters. The
group’s solutions are operationally
ARMS SOLUTIONS, OPTICAL SIGHTS proven and are in use by diverse IDF
and marketing systems for armed IWI is showcasing its Negev series
forces, law enforcement agencies of light machine guns; the recent-
and civilian markets, since 1990 and ly-launched ACE sniper rifle and the
Camero-Tech a pioneer and leader ARAD multi-caliber assault rifle, in
in the design and manufacturing of addition to the company’s new ver-
radar-based imaging systems, which sion of the GAL VPS system, a riot
was founded in 2004. control protective suit, which reduces
“SK Group companies are committed trauma inflicted on operators by up
to the protection of ground forces in to 90 percent. Meprolight is show-
combat on today’s battlefield,” said casing its recently introduced Mepro
Ronen Hamudot, SK Group Executive TIGON hybrid sight which integrates
VP Marketing and Sales. “Our range the advantages of standard “red-
of solutions includes: IWI’s 7.62X51mm dot” optics featuring transparent
Israeli firm SK Group is presenting its Ace Sniper S.A Rifle, which enables see-through window for optimal
latest offerings in small arms solutions, fast and accurate engagement of day use with those of uncooled ther-
optical sights, and ‘through-wall-im- multiple threats at long ranges; ther- mal imaging technology enabling
aging’ systems, at the ongoing mal sights developed by Meprolight efficient operation in low-visibility
Defence & Security exhibition. SK for day and night combat, including and complete darkness conditions.
Group Companies are comprised the recently-launched hybrid TIGON Camero-Tech’s latest offering of
of Israel Weapon Industries (IWI), which combines thermal & red dot through-the-wall imaging systems,
which has been a world-leading technology for both day and night the Xaver XL40 and XL80, which are
producer of small arms for over 85 applications; and Camero’s unique portable units that enable operators
years, Meprolight, a leading interna- Xaver through-the-wall imaging to detect life and static structures
tional electro-optics company, has systems, which enable detection from distances of 50 and 100 meters
been developing, manufacturing through structures and walls from a are also being displayed.
hull and component sets on the same left-hand drive vehicles,” he said.
production line. The Mark 2 features The Marauder Mark 2 offers class
great strides in ergonomics, comfort leading mine and ballistic protection
and functionality and these improve- for its crew of two in the front cockpit,
ments in the Marauder’s operator and up to eight fully equipped sol-
interfaces will increase usability when diers in the rear. It can be airlifted in
operating in rugged conditions. At the a C-130 or CH-47 Chinook with little
same time, they will help in reduc- preparation. The armoured vehicle
ing driver and crew fatigue, making can achieve a burst speed of 110 km/
the platform more comfortable and hr and it can remain fully operational
user-friendly, keeping troops safe and in extreme conditions from – 20 to
battle ready. +50 Degrees Celsius. Day/Night vision
Deon Grobler, CEO of Paramount Land devices and extra sensors can also be
Systems said: “The Marauder is one fitted to provide 24/7 operability. The
of world’s most iconic and toughest ‘Mark 2’ upgrades unlock the ability
armoured vehicles, often described to convert Left-hand Drive versions
PARAMOUNT GROUP as best suited for an apocalyptic of the Marauder to Right-Hand Drive
UNVEILS UPDATED environment. We are very proud of (and vice versa), in under two hours’
MARAUDER MARK 2 its well-deserved reputation and our time, should operational needs (such
ARMOURED VEHICLE latest advancements present signifi- as peacekeeping deployments in for-
cant benefits to its performance, crew eign countries) require.
South Africa based Paramount capability and the customer.” The Marauder armoured vehicle was
Group recently revealed the updated Grobler stated that Paramount first launched at the International
Marauder ‘Mark 2’ armoured vehi- Group has now increased its own Defence Exhibition and Conference
cle with introduction of a universal rate of production for these vehicles. (IDEX) in Abu Dhabi in February 2007
hull, interchangeable dashboard “We can now manufacture vehicles and since then Paramount Group has
modules and steering wheel compo- for stock purposes as opposed to since supplied Marauders to countries
nents. These latest enhancements manufacturing based on customer including Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, the
will enable the Marauder to be man- orders, delivering faster solutions for Republic of Congo, Gabon, Malawi,
ufactured in either Left or Right-Hand those partners with urgent demands, Ghana, Nigeria, Mozambique and
Drive configurations, from the same whether they are operating right or Singapore.