Page 10 - DEFENSE & SECURITY 2022 - Day 1 | DAILY NEWS
P. 10


        C-390 MILLENNIUM AND KC-390

        Brazilian aerospace leader, Embraer   C-390 for Middle East markets     aircraft in 2023-24. The Hungarian
        is showcasing its defence and secu-  including Saudi Arabia.            Defence Force fleet will be the first
        rity products and solutions at the   In addition to orders for the KC-390   in the world to feature an Intensive
        ongoing Defence & Security exhi-    from the Hungarian Defence Force    Care Unit configuration, an essential
        bition. Company officials remain    and the Portuguese Armed Forces,    feature for performing humanitarian
        confident of market prospects in the   the Netherlands Ministry of Defence   missions.
        region for products like the C-390   announced in June, that it would   Embraer delivered the first KC-390
        Millennium multi-mission transport   procure five C-390s to replace its   to the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) in
        aircraft and the A-29 Super Tucano   C-130 fleet. The aircraft delivered to   2019. The FAB’s current fleet of five
        light attack and training aircraft.   Portugal and Hungary will be con-  KC-390s are all fully operational and
        Embraer’s Defence & Security prod-  figured to perform Air-Air Refueling   the entire fleet has now exceeded
        ucts and solutions are present in   and be fully NATO compatible, not   5,000 flight hours in operation with
        more than 60 countries, and in addi-  only in terms of hardware but also   a mission completion rate of 97 per
        tion to its aircraft platforms, these   in terms of avionics and communi-  cent, demonstrating outstanding
        include broader solutions for air,   cations. Most recently, in June, the   availability and productivity in its
        land, sea, space and cyber domains.  Netherlands Ministry of Defence    category. Company officials are also
        Embraer is now focussing on export   announced the selection of a fleet   keen to highlight the KC-390’s utility
        sales of the C-390 Millennium       of five C-390 Millennium aircraft,   for humanitarian relief missions, with
        new generation multi-role military   highlighting the performance and   the type extensively used in oper-
        transport aircraft and its air-to-  operational output of the aircraft,   ations to transport equipment and
        air refueling configuration which   to  succeed  their  current  fleet  of   medical supplies, ranging from liquid
        is known as the KC-390. Embraer     C-130 Hercules. The Portuguese      oxygen to vehicles across Brazil at
        entered into a memorandum of        Air Force (FAP) has five KC-390s on   the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
        understanding (MoU) at the recently   order and deliveries are to start in   The C-390/KC-390 are produced at
        concluded Farnborough Airshow       2023, while Hungary which has two   Embraer’s Gavião Peixoto factory, in
        with BAE Systems to promote the     KC-390s  is slated to receive  the   Brazil’s São Paulo state.

        10 AUGUST  29  2022                                                       WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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