Page 12 - DEFENSE & SECURITY 2022 - Day 1 | DAILY NEWS
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        European missile major MBDA is      has provided to the Royal Thai Army   connection with the higher level
        looking at new opportunities to sup-  with a medium-long range ground-  of  command.  The  TOC remotely
        port the Thai armed forces for their   based air defence (GBAD) capability   controls a tri-dimensional radar
        national defence needs. The com-    based on the Vertical Launch MICA   mounted on a separate vehicle and
        pany has been supporting the Royal   (VL MICA) system. The new GBAD     three to six vertical launcher units
        Thai Armed Forces for more than     capability was introduced into ser-  also mounted on vehicles. The missile
        thirty years and is ready to offer its   vice in 2019.                  has an interception range of up to 20
        latest missile systems for the future.   A typical VL MICA unit is based on a   km. MBDA’s Mistral missile has been
        “MBDA maintains a continuous and    vehicle-mounted shelter-protected   ensuring the anti-air protection of
        tight relationship with its Thai cus-  Tactical Operations  Centre (TOC)   the flagship of the Royal Thai Navy,
        tomers, and we are able to propose   also known as the Platoon Command   the aircraft carrier HTMS  Chakri
        state-of-the-art weapon systems     Post (PCP). The TOC is capable of   Naruebet for more than 20 years.
        for the future project requirements   carrying out all Command, Control   The company started its relationship
        of the Royal Thai Armed Forces,” a   and Coordination functions, includ-  with Thailand with supply of the first
        company spokesperson told Daily     ing real-time engagement, mission   generation of the Exocet anti-ship
        News over email. More recently MBDA   planning, system monitoring and   missile.

          RMAF                               in increasing maritime security    surveillance radar, an electro-op-
                                             and maritime domain awareness      tical infrared turret, line-of-sight
          RECEIVES FIRST                     within the Malaysian Exclusive     datalink and a roll-on/roll-off
                                             Economic Zone. “Building Partner   mission system operator station.
          UPGRADED                           Capacity programmes repre-         Compatible mobile and fixed
          CN-235                             sent the highest level of return on   ground stations are also being
                                             engagement to the United States,”   delivered to increase the RMAF’s
          The Royal Malaysian Air Force      said Ron Weinberger, director,     ISR capability.
          (RMAF) recently took delivery of   Security Cooperation Office at the   The CN-235 is a medium-range
          the first of three CN-235 military   Naval Air Systems Command. “The   twin-engine transport aircraft
          transport aircraft converted to a   Malaysian CN-235 programme        originally manufactured by
          maritime patrol platform from the   will be a significant force multi-  Indonesian aerospace company
          U.S. Navy. The delivery of the first   plier to an indigenous Malaysian   Perseroan  Terbatas  Dirgantara
          aircraft took place just three-and-  ISR capability and  will directly   Indonesia and  Construcciones
          a-half years after the U.S. signed   support joint Malaysian and U.S.   Aeronáuticas SA of Spain. The
          a Letter of Offer and Acceptance   efforts to ensure global security in   project’s CN-235s were flown to
          (LOA) to begin increasing the      the Indo-Pacific Command area      Indonesia for completion and
          capability and interoperability of   of responsibility.”              testing in Sept. 2020 amid COVID-
          U.S. and Malaysian forces. Work    The upgrade includes a maritime    19 restrictions and first flight took
          on the two remaining CN-235 air-   surveillance mission suite, maritime   place in Oct. 2021.
          craft and multiple ground stations
          continues and is slated for com-
          pletion later this year.
          The effort was facilitated by the U.S.
          Navy’s Building Partner Capacity
          program, aligned with the U.S.
          government’s Maritime Security
          Initiative,  which is intended to
          assist the Malaysian government

        12 AUGUST  29  2022                                                       WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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