Page 4 - DEFENSE & SECURITY 2022 - Day 1 | DAILY NEWS
P. 4

The U.S. State Department had     the Javelin CLU, missile guidance
                                             last year approved a request from   electronic unit, system software and
                                             the Government of Thailand to buy   system  engineering  management,
                                             300  Javelin  FGM-148  Missiles  and   Lockheed Martin is responsible for
                                             50 Javelin CLUs at an estimated   the missile seeker, engineering and
                                             cost of US$83.5 million. The Javelin   assembly.
                                             Weapon System will replace the    The Javelin is a single man-porta-
                                             obsolete 106mm Recoilless Rifles that   ble fire-and-forget medium-range
                                             the Royal Thai Army (RTA) acquired   antitank weapon system designed
                                             as part of the Military Assistance   to defeat all known and projected
                                             Programme (MAP) from the Vietnam   threat armour. The missile automat-
                                             era. The proposed sale will allow the   ically guides itself to the target after
          THAILAND TO GET  RTA to modernize their light anti-tank              launch, allowing the gunner to take
                                             capability and maintain its current   cover and avoid counterfire. Soldiers
          JAVELIN BY 2025                    force posture, as well as enhance   or Marines can reposition immedi-
                                             interoperability with the U.S. during   ately after firing, or reload to engage
          Thailand will soon start receiv-   operations and training exercises.   another threat.
          ing Javelin FGM-148 Missiles and   According to RTA officials, the mis-  Using an arched top-attack profile,
          their Command Launch Units (CLU)   siles will improve Thailand’s capability   Javelin climbs above its target for
          from the United States. In late July,   to meet current and future threats   improved visibility and then strikes
          Raytheon/Lockheed Martin Javelin   by improving it long-term defense   where the armor is weakest. To fire,
          JV was awarded a contract by the   capacity to defend its sovereignty   the gunner places a cursor over
          U.S. Army Contracting Command for   and territorial integrity.       the  selected target.  The  Javelin
          the Advanced Anti-Tank Weapon      Javelin was developed and produced   command launch unit then sends a
          System-Medium (AAWS-M), missile    for the U.S. Army and Marine Corps   lock-on-before-launch signal to the
          system.  Work will be performed in   by the Javelin Joint Venture between   missile. With its soft launch design,
          Tucson, Arizona, with an estimated   Lockheed Martin and Raytheon.   Javelin can be safely fired from inside
          completion date of Feb. 28, 2025.   While the latter is responsible for   buildings or bunkers.

                                                                                these weapon stations are in ser-
                                                                                vice of armies, security forces, coast
                                                                                guards, and navies integrated on
                                                                                wide variety of the platforms ranging
                                                                                from armoured personnel carriers to
                                                                                main battle tanks, from fast patrol
                                                                                boats to corvettes and frigates.”
                                                                                Automatic cannons, automatic
                                                                                grenade launchers, machine guns
         ASELSAN AIMS FOR MORE                                                  ranging from 7,62mm to 35mm cal-
                                                                                ibers as well as anti-tank guided
         PARTNERSHIPS IN APAC                                                   missiles are being used in SARP,
                                                                                SARP-DUAL, NEFER, and SERDAR
        Turkish defence giant Aselsan is    solutions, weapon systems, profes-  for the land platforms. STAMP, STOP,
        looking at increasing its presence in   sional communication systems, radar   and SMASH are being used for the
        the Asia Pacific region by contribut-  and electronic warfare solutions, and   naval platforms.The standard set of
        ing in a sustainable manner toward   underwater security solutions.     features for the RCWS family covers
        the safety and security of the region.   The company has been display-  stabilization, automatic target track-
        “The main perspective towards Asia   ing its products in various shows in   ing, ballistic computation, night and
        & Pacific is to be the strategic partner   the region. At the ongoing Defence   day precise surveillance capabilities,
        by creating technical solution pack-  & Security, Aselsan is focussing on   maintaining the effective utilization
        ages in line with the instructions of its   its advanced Remote Controlled   of the weapon’s firepower, and pro-
        users to present tailor-made solu-  Weapon Stations (RCWS) domain.      viding first-round hit to the target.
        tions depending on the threat type,”   The RCWS is currently in use with   These weapon stations are able to
        according to a company spokesman.   the armies and navies in 21 different   operate under all types of weather
        Aselsan has already successfully    countries worldwide, the spokesman   and sea conditions and provide
        completed various projects in sev-  said. “As of today, over 4000 stations   maximum safety for the operators
        eral countries in the region with its   have been successfully deployed to   by enabling them to run the full oper-
        air defence solutions, tactical com-  the 35 different land and naval plat-  ation under armor, the company
        munication systems, electro-optical   forms globally. Being field proven,   spokesman noted.
        4 AUGUST  29  2022                                                        WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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