Page 6 - DEFENSE & SECURITY 2022 - Day 1 | DAILY NEWS
P. 6

THAILAND DEVELOPING                                                     COLT EYEING M16 TO
                                                                                M4/M5 UPGRADE
        LITHIUM-ION BATTERY                                                     OPPORTUNITIES

        PACKS AND CHARGERS                                                      IN THAILAND


        Defence equipment today is          batteries can be used continu-
        crammed with electronic equip-      ously for 24 hours without charging
        ment which usually consist of highly   and can be charged quickly in 3-4
        sophisticated electronic circuits and   hours. It features three times higher
        rely on batteries as a power source.   capacity efficiency as compared to
        As a result the development of indig-  the batteries earlier in use and have
        enous battery packs and battery     passed safety tests at the cellular
        chargers for security applications   level and at the pack level.
        is of vital importance as otherwise   Work on developing these indig-   Colt a long-term supplier of small
        security agencies need to purchase   enous lithium Ion battery pack     arms to the Thai armed forces is
        and import such equipment from      and chargers began in 2017 with     eyeing various opportunities related
        abroad at high prices. Thailand     a grant from the Office of the      to the sales of pistols  and rifles. Colt is
        has been working on development     Science Promotion Board to the      show casing a wide array of revolvers,
        of lithium-ion battery  packs  and   National Science and Technology    1911 pistols and rifles in 5.56, 7.62 and
        chargers under a joint research     Development Agency (NSTDA)          9mm calibers at the ongoing show,
        programme between the National      and the Royal Thai Army Military    with a focus on the firm’s enhanced
        Energy Technology Center (SSC), the   Research and Development Office   M5 and M7. The small arms manufac-
        National Electronics and Computer   (NSTDA). The research team under-   turer already supplies weapons to all
                                                                                three wings of the Thai armed forces.
        Center (SAI), and the Technology    took the research and development   Colt also has a large presence in the
        Center for National Security and    of prototypes and transferred the   commercial Thai market for 1911’s.
        Commercial Applications. Following   technology for producing pro-      “Colt is committed to supporting its
        the completion of over two years    totype battery packs to private     existing customer with replacement
                                                                                and spare parts for the mainte-
                                                                                nance of existing product.  We are
                                                                                also actively engaged in promoting
                                                                                upgrade capabilities such as con-
                                                                                verting an M16 to an M4 or M5,” a
                                                                                company spokesperson told Daily
                                                                                News on the eve of the show.
                                                                                Colt has been supporting the RTAF on
                                                                                the upgrade of its old M16s to the M4.
                                                                                Colt’s Manufacturing Company
                                                                                LLC is now a member of the COLGT
                                                                                CZ Group. Colt CZ Group (Colt CZ),
                                                                                together with its subsidiaries, is one
                                                                                of the leading producers of firearms
                                                                                for military and law enforcement,
                                                                                personal defense, hunting, sport
                                                                                shooting, and other commercial use.
                                                                                Colt  CZ  subsidiaries  include Colt’s
                                                                                Manufacturing  Company,  Česká
                                                                                zbrojovka, Colt Canada Corporation,
                                                                                CZ-USA, 4M Systems, and CZ Export
                                                                                Praha. Colt CZ also owns a minority
                                                                                stake in Spuhr i Dalby, a Swedish
        of field trials in 2021, the Oscar   companies in Thailand. The tech-   manufacturer of optical mounting
        Holding Company Limited deliv-      nology for indigenous battery packs   solutions for firearms. Colt CZ markets
        ered the battery packs produced     and battery chargers has now tran-  and sells its products mainly under
        by the company to the 31st Artillery   sitioned to industrial production   the Colt, CZ (Česká zbrojovka), Colt
        Battalion, 1st Artillery Regiment of   and use, with the research results   Canada, CZ-USA, Dan Wesson, and
        the Royal Thai Army.                being transferred to Oscar Holding   4M Systems brands.
        The indigenously developed          Company Limited.
        6 AUGUST  29  2022                                                        WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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