Page 8 - DEFENSE & SECURITY 2022 - Day 1 | DAILY NEWS
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RTAF PREPARES FOR                                                       features the combat-proven A-10C,
                                                                                F-16 and MC-12 mission systems. The
                                                                                aircraft has also demonstrated light
        BEECHCRAFT AT-6TH                                                       attack capabilities and full com-
                                                                                patibility with U.S. and NATO Joint
        ARRIVAL                                                                 Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC)
                                                                                systems. The Beechcraft AT-6 also
        The Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) which   purpose-built for  light  attack,   capitalizes on the proven supply
        is the international launch customer   counter-insurgency and Countering   chain and affordability of 85 per-
        for Textron Aviation Defence’s      Violent Extremist Organizations     cent parts commonality with the
        Beechcraft AT-6TH is preparing      (C-VEO) mission capability featuring   Beechcraft T-6 Texan II.
        for the entry of service of the new   low risk, high performance and low
        aircraft in 2024. The RTAF will com-  cost. It can undertake  a broad array   The Beechcraft AT-6TH is the second
        mence training of the new aircraft’s   of missions in support of its border   RTAF  procurement  contracted  in
        maintenance crew in Thailand from   security  and  its anti-smuggling,   support of S-Curve 11, which is an
        2023 with the assistance of Textron   counter-narcotics and anti-human   initiative of the Thai Government
        Aviation Defence. RTAF pilots are   trafficking operations.             aimed at pioneering development
        slated to commence training on the                                      of the Thai domestic defence indus-
        new type in Wichita in 2024.        In July,  Textron Aviation Defence   try, cultivate diversity and support
                                            today announced that the United     involvement  across foreign and
        The RTAF entered into a US$143      States Air Force (USAF) had accorded   Thai companies. The RTAF inked a
        million contract with Textron       military type certification (MTC) for   contract for supply of 12 Beechcraft
        Aviation  Defence in November       the AT-6E Wolverine paving the way   T-6TH Texan II turboprop trainer air-
        2021 for eight Beechcraft AT-6      for continued global sales of the light   craft in 2020.
        Wolverine aircraft (designated as   attack aircraft.
        the Beechcraft AT-6TH in Thailand),
        ground support equipment, spare     The USAF was the launch customer
        parts, training and other equip-    for the AT-6, awarding a contract in
        ment. The aircraft will be inducted   2020 for two AT-6E Wolverines. The
        to support the RTAF’s 41st Wing light   aircraft empowers operators with
        attack operations at Chiang Mai Air   Next Gen ISR, the industry’s best
        Base. The turboprop light attack    loitering precision strike capability,
        aircraft will replace the RTAF’s exist-  the ability to maintain pressure on
        ing fleet of ageing Czech built Aero   targets, and reliable networked bat-
        Vodochody L-39 Albatros jet trainers   tlespace communications and video.
        and light attack aircraft.          The AT-6 Wolverine employs an
        The Beechcraft AT-6TH was           unmatched range of weapons and
        8 AUGUST  29  2022                                                        WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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