Page 7 - DEFENSE & SECURITY 2022 - Day 1 | DAILY NEWS
P. 7
The Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) is the future, whenever military equip- An important upgrade to RTAF
unique amongst air forces in the ment is procured with increase in Gripens is the implementation
region to have fully operationalised the level of local sourcing. “We are of the latest MS20 capability
a complete integrated air defence able to meet the requirements from upgrade, which was delivered in
system featuring Saab Gripen fight- nations that desire a greater sov- 2022. The MS20 upgrade further
ers, Saab 340 Erieye airborne early ereign capability due to Sweden’s enhances Gripen’s operational
warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft non-aligned status,” the official capabilities by adding new radar
and other sensors and surface-to-air emphasised. Saab’s presence in
missile (SAM) systems, which are all Thailand started in the mid-eight- and EW modes, enhanced nav-
integrated with a secure national ies, with the supply of key equipment igation and safety features,
datalink system that connects such as Carl-Gustaf infantry weap- several hardware and software
assets in the air, on land and at sea. ons, Giraffe radars and RBS70 missile changes to improve performance
This makes the RTAF more than just systems to the Thai military. and avoid obsolescence and the
a customer operating an advanced ability to integrate new weapons
fighter type but the owner of an The RTAF’s Gripen, Erieye AEW system options for air-to-air and air-to-
advanced air defence network that and tactical data links afford it with ground missions.
is unique not only in the region but a network centric air defence capa-
also beyond. The RTAF’s Gripens are bility. The Royal Thai Navy’s (RTN) The RTAF acquired its Gripen fleet
operated by 701 Sqn, part of Wing 7 Frigate HTMS Naresuan was the first under the ‘Peace Suvarnabhumi’
at Surat Thani, a strategic base in to be linked to the Gripen fighters, contract which came into effect in
Thailand’s south. and this capability now extends to 2008 and was split into two parts;
Thailand is one of Saab’s most the RTN’s other warships and aircraft six Gripens were delivered in 2011
significant global customers and carriers. Strategic locations like Don followed by a further six in 2013. The
company officials are confident Muang air base are also connected
of future market prospects. “Saab with radar stations across the nation. RTAF’s first Erieye AEW&C arrived in
is able to offer high-end military Saab has played a key role in assist- December 2010. The RTAF’s Gripen
equipment and technologies at a ing the RTAF in developing this fleet has demonstrated high avail-
competitive price with a long-term sovereign national defence capa- ability rates since induction and the
commitment for maintenance and bility, which it developed, supplied squadron is renowned for delivering
support,” said a company offi- and continues to support. A key 100 per cent operational avail-
cial, who added that there will be aspect of this air defence network is ability whenever required. 701 Sqn
a greater requirement for Thailand the RTAF’s Gripen fleet, which is now celebrated the milestone of 10,000
for Transfer of Technology (ToT) in entering its 11th year of operations. Gripen flight hours in 2018.