Page 5 - DEFENSE & SECURITY 2022 - Day 1 | DAILY NEWS
P. 5


         INDIA GROW


        India and Thailand have agreed to
        enhance cooperation on defence
        and security matters, including
        cyber-security. Both countries have
        decided to increase joint training
        and exercises in defence and secu-
        rity. The armies of India and Thailand
        have prepared a roadmap to boost
        engagement, especially to enhance
        cooperation in training and carry-
        ing out joint drills. The roadmap was
        finalised  at  the  fourth  Army  staff
        talks held at the city of Ayutthaya   to complete purchase of 600 Tata   1500 rpm. Equipped with a 6-speed
        in Thailand recently.               military trucks. Recently, Thailand   transmission panel, the truck can
        The three-member Indian Army        had lauded India’s Atmanirbhar      achieve up to 100 km/h speed. With
        delegation was led by Major         Bharat initiative by announcing the   a ground clearance of 300 mm, this
        General Anil K Kashid, Additional   purchase of 600 ATA LPTA military   makes it an ideal carrier in various
        Director General of International   trucks. The LPTA 715 4X4 is used for   terrains. The maximum fuel tank
        Cooperation of the Army. The Thai   carrying troops. It is a relatively low   capacity is set at 200L.
        team was headed by Major General    maintenance vehicle which can       Tata LPTA military trucks have also
        Thongchai Rodyoi from the Royal     transport at least 12 people in the   been used by the Indian Army since
        Thai Army. The deliberations also   rear.                               2015. Available in 4×4, 6×6, 8×8, 10×10
        focused on  enhancing  training     Powered by Cummins 6BTAA 5.9-20     and 12×12 configuration, these trucks
        programmes and a roadmap was        engine,  the  beast  generates  145   have also been deployed in conflict
        prepared for defence cooperation.   bhp at 2500 rpm. It is also capable   zones of Africa for use by the UN
        Meanwhile, Royal Thai Army is set   of providing 500 Nm peak torque at   peacekeeping forces.



        M1129 STRYKER MORTAR


        The Royal Thai Army (RTA) is set to   simultaneously provides a new capa-  spearheading the ongoing develop-
        receive M1129 Stryker mortar carry-  bility within the RTA and improves its   ment and modernization of the RTA
        ing vehicles from the USA in the near   interoperability with the U.S. Army.”                                                              by introducing new armored vehi-
        future. Thailand will be the first for-  This year’s Cobra Gold exercises held   cles that significantly upgrade its
        eign nation to receive these Stryker   in Thailand, kick started the process   combat capability and operational
        systems. The U.S. Army is sharing this   of introducing the Strykers to the RTA   reach. Given its importance as one
        technology and weaponry for the     with a series of training exercises and   of the model regiments to modern-
        first time.                         field missions at Fort Bhumibol, pre-  ize the RTA, the 112th is one of the
        “The Royal Thai Army chose to invest   paring them to officially receive the   premier organizations within the RTA.
        in the proven capability of the Stryker   vehicles at a future date. “The RTA   The M1129 Stryker mortar system is an
        family of vehicles based on their   has not currently fielded the M1129   infantry carrier vehicle and consid-
        proven combat effectiveness,” said   Stryker Mortar Carrying Vehicle yet,”   ered as a descendant of the Swiss
        Maj. Curt Belohlavek, the battalion   said Belohlavek, “but it is scheduled   Mowag Piranha III, accommodating
        executive officer for 4th Battalion,   to start receiving them in the near   a 120mm mortar system that fires a
        23rd Infantry Regiment of the U.S.   future.”                           suite of mortar ammunition and first
        Army. “The Stryker family of vehicles   Fielding the 112th Stryker Regiment is   employed in 2005.

        DEFENCE & SECURITY 2022                                                               AUGUST  29  2022  5
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