Page 10 - DEFENSE & SECURITY 2022 - Day 2 | DAILY NEWS
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the addition of further weapons or know, new capabilities based on the
BANGKOK systems on board.” The options being ever-changing requirements.” The
DOCKS considered are an increase in the Bangkok Dock Company has built
OPV length to 91m, 94m or 111m. The
two OPVs - HTMS Krabi and HTMS
EXPLORES THAI latter size would increase the OPV’s Prachuap Khiri Khan under licence
using the BAE Systems OPV design.
size and capability nearing that of
OPV UPGRADE a Frigate over Corvette, as it would BAE Systems has worked with the
allow additional space for incorpo- Thai shipyard since 2012, when the
The Bangkok Dock Company which ration of more sophisticated sensors agreement to build the 90m OPVs
built two Offshore Patrol Vessels and weapons. “So, I think the mes- in Thailand was initiated. These
(OPV) for the Royal Thai Navy (RTN) sage we really want to get across to OPVs were based on an in-service
is exploring future upgrade options the Royal Thai Navy in conjunction Royal Navy design which was also
which could result in an enhanced with Bangkok dock is this is a very purchased by the Brazilian Navy.
class of OPVs. The upgrade would adaptable design. Together, we The first of the Class, HTMS Krabi
be performed in partnership with have delivered two fantastic ships, was launched by Bangkok Docks
BAE Systems once requirements but it can continue to evolve for the in 2013. Both OPVs have been sig-
and scope of work is finalised by future it can continue to offer you nificantly modified from the original
the RTN. The Thai shipyard is the BAE Systems base design. This has
primary interface with the RTN for resulted in both OPVs being tailored
the potential upgrade effort, which to meet RTN requirements featuring
could result in a new class of four Thai specific combat management
OPVs. Speaking to Daily News, a BAE systems, different radar and different
Systems official said the company’s weapons and systems. The RTN OPVs
OPV design was highly configurable, are also fitted Harpoon Block II anti-
“one of the things we have done is ship missiles. HTMS Prachuap Khiri
explored with Bangkok Docks the Khan is fitted with a OTO MELARA
potential of changing the design in 76/62 SRMF, 30mm DS30 MR and a
terms of length, which clearly allows 12.7 mm machine gun.
unarmed F-35A, the Lockheed the model entered the market. The
Martin-produced stealth fighter. The other options for Thailand when it
country will pay in installments, over comes to fifth-generation stealth
four years, the total cost of 7.4 billion fighters are Russia’s Su-57s and
baht (US$207 million) for the two jets. China’s J-20s. Countries are gen-
According to Air Force Chief ACM erally shying away from Russian
Napadej Dhupatemiya, Thailand weapons given the country’s war
will equip the two aircraft with its on Ukraine, and the J-20s are not
own weapons systems. According to for export.
THAILAND the Air Force Chief, the RTAF hopes The RTAF’s existing fleet, which
includes F-16 and F-5 jets and 12
to have a 12-strong fleet of F-35As
by 2032. Experts however are of the Swedish JAS-39 Gripen fighters,
EYES F35A, opinion that budgetary constraints commands plenty of respect. The
might force the service to be satis- JAS-39 Gripen fighters are under-
KEEN ON fied with a lesser number of aircraft. going MS20 configuration upgrades
to enhance ground and air-to-air
THE LOYAL Thailand, which wants to have combat capabilities. According to
Southeast Asia’s mightiest air force,
the Air Force Chief, the RTAF is also
WINGMAN is looking for a new fleet of fighter interest in the concept of the Loyal
Wingman, an unmanned aerial vehi-
jets as the F-5 and F-16 aircraft are
Thailand could join the list of US ageing, having been in service for cle that flies as part of a team with
partners in Asia to acquire the F-35A. over three decades. According to a manned aircraft. Co-developed
sources, buying new aircraft would by Boeing and Australia’s air force,
be economically more feasible in the the loyal wingman can be fitted with
Earlier this month, Thailand’s long run than doing maintenance a weapons system and provides
House Budget Scrutiny Committee on ageing aircraft. The F-35s have support to the manned aircraft.
approved a budget of 369 million become an attractive proposition Acquiring the local wingman would
baht (US$14.7 million) for the 2023 for the service because the price of help Thailand to reduce the number
fiscal year for the Royal Thailand the jet has come down from US$142 of new fighter jets that it plans to
Air Force (RTAF) to procure two million to US$82 million since the time acquire.