Page 9 - DEFENSE & SECURITY 2022 - Day 2 | DAILY NEWS
P. 9
Embraer is highlighting the versatil-
ity of the A-29 Super Tucano at the
ongoing show and is confident about
the aircraft finding more buyers in
the region.
The A-29 Super Tucano, which has
so far been selected by more than
fifteen air forces globally, has earned environments with little support, hours globally, including 60,000 in
a name for itself for its multi-mission with low operating costs and high combat. Low maintenance cost is
capabilities, including light attack, availability. According to the com- another of the aircraft’s attractive
aerial surveillance and interdiction, pany, it is the only advanced light features.
and counterinsurgency operations. attack, reconnaissance, and training Extensively used as an advanced
More than 260 units of the air- turboprop platform currently in pro- trainer, A-29 Super Tucano’s ability
craft has so far been sold, with the duction across the world with proven to simulate combat missions and
company said to be in discussions combat capabilities. Embraer has upload and download flight data
currently with potential buyers. In two assembly lines for the produc- makes it a highly effective training
2020, the company delivered the tion of the aircraft, in Brazil and the platform. The aircraft is also used
aircraft to the Philippine Air Force; United States. for Joint Terminal Attack Controller
the service currently has a six strong (JTAC) training, helping the troops on
fleet. The aircraft was also recently The A-29 has a max airspeed of the ground to designate and coordi-
delivered to the Nigerian Air Force 370mph and a cruise speed of nate ground attack scenarios.
and has been operational for a 320mph, and perhaps most signifi-
number of years in countries such as cantly, an endurance of over eight The aircraft is equipped with a
Indonesia. Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, hours. It has a range of 830 miles
the Dominican Republic. and a combat range of 550 km. The variety of state-of-the-art sensors
and weapons, including an elec-
aircraft, which is easily configurable
The first light attack aircraft in the on-site, is unique in how it is capable tro-optical/infrared system with
world with a US Air Force Military of operating from remote, unpaved laser designator, night vision gog-
Type Certificate, the A-29 Super airstrips to forward operating bases gles, secure communications, and a
Tucano, which carries a wide in hostile environments with little data-link package. Its systems allow
variety of weapons, including preci- support, all with low operating costs the gathering and sharing of infor-
sion-guided munitions, can operate and high availability. Earlier this year, mation real time, thus making the
from remote, unpaved airstrips to the A-29 reached an important mile- aircraft a key part of a networked
forward operating bases in hostile stone by notching up 500,000 flight environment.
The Royal Thai Navy (RTN) is con- Monthatphalin as quoted by the
ducting an evaluation process of Bangkok Post. CSOC is the trading
the CHD620 diesel engines to arm of the Chinese state-owned
power a S26T submarine on order enterprise China Shipbuilding
from China. The decision was the Industry Corporation (CSIC), the
result of recent meeting between company which is to build the
the China Shipbuilding & Offshore submarine under a THB13.5 billion
International Co. (CSOC) and the (about US$380 million) contract
RTN. “But if the substitute from from the RTN inked in 2017. If the
RTN EVALUATING CSOC cannot pass the test, the RTN approves CHD620 engines
CHD620 ENGINES contract must be terminated, and as the replacement for its S26T
the two sides will have to hold submarine powerplant, Thailand
FOR S26T talks to discuss compensation will be the first country to deploy
or a refund,” said RTN spokes- these engines in active military
SUBMARINES person Vice Admiral Pokkrong duty.