Page 5 - DEFENSE & SECURITY 2022 - Day 2 | DAILY NEWS
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capability is essential, resulting in an
increase in demand for equipment from
allied countries.
American firms are participating at the
show under the banner of ‘The Power of
Partnership’ and features companies
presenting a broad range of innovative
technologies, equipment, and services
from 16 different U.S. states. Many of the
U.S. exhibitors already have significant
business partnerships and operations in
the region and are hoping to strengthen
these ongoing relationships and forge
new ones.
Thailand spent USD 7.6 billion on mili-
UNITED STATES FOCUSES ON tary technology in 2020 in line with the
major military reform and restructuring
‘THE POWER OF PARTNERSHIP’ plan introduced by the Thai Ministry of
Defense in 2017, cumulating in 2026.
The USA presence at the ongoing Asian Nations (ASEAN) member coun- According to the International Trade
Defence & Security show is the 2 larg- tries and are also looking to strengthen Administration (ITA), this plan “empha-
est national presence at the exhibition trade, innovation, and workforce part- sizes research and development along
and is a showcase of the strong market nerships with buyers and influencers in with a focus on purchases of munitions,
prospects in Thailand for American the region. weapons, military vehicles, armed train-
companies. 23 U.S. Companies are Defence spending of Thai military and ing aircraft, electronic warfare, and
exhibiting within the USA Partnership law enforcement agencies primar- communication devices. To upgrade
Pavilion, which features seven new ily focuses on maintaining defence military capabilities, the Thai military will
exhibitors. U.S. companies participat- expenditure to safeguard the nation invest in additional purchases of heli-
ing at the show are and strengthen its armed forces. As a copters, fighter jets, frigates, armored
competing for air, land, and sea con- result, purchasing for military equip- vehicles, utility vehicles, and internal
tracts with Association of Southeast ment to modernize and upgrade military security equipment.”