Page 8 - DEFENSE & SECURITY 2022 - Day 2 | DAILY NEWS
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Boeing’s 702X series was developed facility.
to provide customers unmatched Commenting on the facilities that
flexibility for their communica- needed to be created in Thailand
tions missions. The 702X is already for the new type, Pak informed Daily
in production and uses innovative News, that the AH-6 requires a small
manufacturing practices to simplify maintenance and hangar footprint
and reduce complexity. The spokes- and would use existing Royal Thai
person said that it can be delivered Army infrastructure.
with schedule certainty and low The AH-6 is a highly capable light
risk and that Boeing had extensive attack / armed reconnaissance heli-
history of delivering satellites for copter. The AH-6 is purpose-built for
government and commercial cus- customers who require advanced,
tomers worldwide with over 300 total easily configurable mission equip-
Boeing is looking to offer addi- delivered. ment packages for special
tional capabilities that would meet operations, light/heavy precision
Thailand’s defence needs, including Delivering Capability attack, long-rang reconnaissance
other unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and troop Insertion/extraction.
platforms, in addition to existing Boeing was awarded contract by Boeing/Insitu has also delivered
contracts that are already in place. the U.S. Department of Defence for RQ-21A Blackjack UAS to the Royal
“We look forward to discussing addi- the sale of eight AH-6 light attack Thai Navy (RTN), which has sub-
tional capabilities to meet Thailand’s reconnaissance helicopters, as part stantially enhanced its maritime
defence needs, including other UAS of a foreign military sale to Thailand domain awareness capabilities. The
platforms like the Integrator and in 2022. Thailand is Boeing’s second handover ceremony for the RQ-21A
Integrator ER,” Yeong-Tae “YT” Pak, international customer for the air- Blackjack to the Royal Thai Navy
Boeing Defence, Space & Security craft. “We welcome Thailand’s successfully convened on May 24
(BDS) Business Development regional selection of Boeing’s AH-6 light at Uthapao. The deliveries of the
director of Southeast Asia. told Daily attack reconnaissance helicopter RQ-21A to the RTN also supported
News. “Furthermore, we look forward and look forward to working with the U.S. government’s Maritime
to exploring opportunities for a fully the U.S. and Thai governments as Security Initiative. Boeing is also
software-defined satellite offering part of the foreign military sale pro- supporting the RTN’s in-service
that allows customers in Thailand to cess to deliver on our commitment. Harpoon anti-ship missiles. Boeing
adjust capacity allocation to meet Deliveries are planned through has been partnering with Thailand
their evolving connectivity and ser- 2024,” Pak said. The AH-6 is manu- on its defence and security needs
vices needs.” factured at Boeing’s Mesa, Arizona for almost half a century.
Corp, (CASC), a prototype drone
fitted with the new engine recently
completed all the tests required to
verify its autonomous takeoff and
landing, load capacity, flight ceiling
and radius, as well as other func-
tions. CH-4s that are presently in
active service are powered by gas-
oline engines, while the new version
will run either on diesel or kerosene.
CHINA’S The Caihong-4 (CH-4) ‘Rainbow’ The CH-4 will gain greater operating
armed drone is slated to receive
endurance and payload capability
CAIHONG-4 upgrades to further enhance its as a result of the new engine. The
operational capabilities and will be
CH-4 is China’s most successful
introduced into the market in early drone export and has been sold to
DRONE TO 2023. at least 10 countries and according
The CH-4 is slated to receive a new to its manufacturer has accumulated
RECEIVE heavy-fuel piston engine. According over 20,000 flight hours. The drone
to China Academy of Aerospace has a maximum take-off weight of 1.3
UPGRADES Aerodynamics, a subsidiary of China tonne and payload capability of 350
Aerospace Science and Technology tonnes of weapons/sensors.