Page 7 - DEFENSE & SECURITY 2022 - Day 2 | DAILY NEWS
P. 7



        For more than a decade, Thailand
        has operated a networked national
        air defence system that covers all
        of Thailand’s territory. The most
        visible elements of this net centric
        warfare (NCW)  capability  are  the
        Gripen fighters and Erieye AEW&C
        aircraft of the Royal Thai Air Force
        (RTAF); but this system is more than
        an air force asset. Thailand’s inde-
        pendent, national datalink system
        integrates RTAF airborne platforms
        with its wider national air surveillance
        radar network and multiple vessels
        of the Royal Thai Navy. This secure,
        high-speed, command-and-control
        (C2) system therefore links multiple
        elements of the Royal Thai Armed  The RTAF is looking to                upgrade for the Gripen fleet brings
        Forces at an operational level while   upgrade its Saab 340             further enhancements to the overall
        also providing real-time data to the                                    NCW environment and this will con-
        strategic commanders and national  Erieye AEW&C aircraft as             tinue through regular future software
        decision-makers. The next step in   the next step in Thailand’s         upgrades for the fighters.
        Thailand’s NCW modernisation plan   NCW modernisation plan.             Beyond this current activity, Thailand
        will deliver upgrades to the Erieye                                     is looking at the potential to expand
        systems.                                                                its NCW capability into a fully joint,
        This system was delivered through a   Over time, Thailand has care-     tri-service network that would inte-
        combined ‘Team Sweden’ contract     fully modernised and improved all   grate Royal Thai Army assets for the
        with the Swedish government and     aspects of the system. For example,   first time. This logical growth path is
        industry; Sweden’s Defence Material   the backbone of the C2 system –   made possible by the basic system
        Administration (FMV) is the contract   known as ACCS (Air Command and   architecture acquired by Thailand
        owner while the required equipment   Control System) and based on Saab’s   from Sweden that  permits local
        is supplied by Saab, supported by   9AIRC4I product, was upgraded       adaptions that can be applied to all
        Thai industry partners. The capa-   under a 2018 contract with Saab. A   Thai assets in accordance to national,
        bilities of the system have been    long-term Transfer of Technology    independent, security policy. In this
        progressively improved and Thailand   programme has delivered local     respect alone, Thailand’s NCW system
        is now looking at new phases of fur-  capacity  to  maintain  and  develop   remains a powerful sovereign capa-
        ther enhancements.                  the national datalink. The latest MS20   bility that is unmatched in the region.

         ROYAL THAI ARMY,                   Royal Australian Regiment; 1st Combat  activity between the Australian and Thai
                                            Engineer Regiment.  During  the  field  armies and the latest edition marked the
         AUSTRALIAN ARMY                    training component of the exercise, a  resumption of the training exercises, fol-
         TRAIN TOGETHER                     platoon from the 2nd Infantry Battalion  lowing a pause since the 2019 COVID-19
         The Royal Thai Army (RTA) and Australian   RTA attached to RCB and a platoon from  pandemic.
         Army troops recently trained together   RCB attached to the Thai company.
         during Exercise Chapel Gold 2022.   Officer Commanding RCB 136 Major
         The RTA hosted the 11-day exercise in   Lachlan Joseph of the 1st Armoured
                                            Regiment, Australian Army said, “The
         Thailand’s Nakhon Sawan province   training programme included anti-ar-
         throughout August. Members of the   moured stalk tactics, tactical combat
         2nd Infantry Battalion, 4th Infantry   casualty  care,  counter-insurgency
         Regiment of the RTA trained together   training, jungle survival activities and
         with Australian soldiers from RCB rota-  close-quarter battle training, combat
         tion 136, predominantly made up of   shooting,and culminated in a com-
         personnel  from  the  Australian  Army’s   bined field training activity.” Exercise
         1st Armoured Regiment; 7th Battalion,  Chapel Gold is an annual training

        DEFENCE & SECURITY 2022                                                               AUGUST  30  2022  7
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