Page 3 - DEFENSE & SECURITY 2022 - Day 2 | DAILY NEWS
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were able to showcase our products.
        SE ASIA DFENCE                      So, I would say our first participa-
        MARKET OF PRIME                     tion at Defence & Security and our
                                            first day here was exciting and very
        IMPORTANCE FOR                      successful.
        INTERVIEW:                          What makes Barzan
        Abdullah Hassan Al-Khater           Holdings well suited to
        Vice President & Chief Strategic    meet the demands of
        Procurement Officer at Barzan
        Holdings                            countries in the region?

                                            A lot of countries are now chang-
        How important is the                ing their strategy to become more
        Southeast Asia market for           and more independent. They want     With the current global political sit-
        Barzan Holdings?                    to establish their own local defence   uation and what is going on around
                                            industry and local defence ser-
        Barzan holdings is a relatively young   vices. We have gone through these   the world, we are also seeing a
                                                                                positive shift in defence budgets.
        company compared  to  the  other    very same experiences at Barzan     Countries as far afield as Germany
        companies in the defence industry.   Holdings over the last five years and   and Japan have raised their defence
        When we established the company     we believe that we can bring that
        back in 2016, our aim was to first   experience here and share it with   budgets significantly for exam-
        to serve the Qatar armed forces.    various countries. This will also be   ple. More upward shifts in defence
        However, this was our initial mandate   an added advantage working with   spending such as this, will lead to
        and today we are looking to expand   different countries in the region.  growing demand for our industry
        globally. In our planning process, we                                   and we view this as an opportunity
        came to the decision that Southeast   It is also an added advantage to   for us to grow and have a strong
        Asia would be the No.1 market that   have a good political relationship   partnership with different countries,
        we would like to target. This was   with a nation, as that helps open a   and to work closely with them.
        done, keeping in mind that many     door for business. Greater dialogue
        of the other defence markets, such   with different Government entities   Our mandate was to establish a
        as those in the USA and Europe are   will help us establish relationships   thriving defence industry in the State
        already saturated.                  and take it a step further to establish   of Qatar and also create a research
                                            partnership or joint ventures in the   and development backbone along
        We believe that the Southeast Asia   future. A recent example of this was   with acquisition of key defence
        market is a very promising market   our establishment of a joint venture   programmes. Our most important
        for Barzan Holdings. We are keen to   with Indonesia, with whom we have   mandate is to fulfil the requirements
        grow our relationships in this region   a very strong and enduring political   of the State of Qatar, only after
        and we have excellent diplomatic    relationship. Our joint venture with   that do we look at opportunities for
        relations with the countries here.   Indonesia was built on the back of   export and partnerships with other
        We believe that we can capitalise   discussions  that  we  held  for  two   countries. In the continuance of this
        on that relationship and reach out   years.                             strategy, we have established joint
        to  different  countries  around  this                                  ventures and subsidiaries in Qatar
        region, and we hope to see success.  Please provide an update           and around the globe. We a foot-
                                            on the current market sit-          print that is truly global in nature
        With regards to Day 1 of the show,
        it was fantastic for us, we met with  uation at Barzan Holdings         and we are working to fulfil our man-
        several different delegations from   and the way forward?               date and turn the vision for Barzan
        different  parts  of  the  world  and                                   Holdings into reality.

                                       FOR EDITORIAL ASSISTANCE AND ENQUIRIES
                                       PLEASE VISIT US AT STAND NO. BB04

                                       Editorial Director     Arun Sivasankaran        Art Director
                                       Vittorio Rossi Prudente  Sudheesh Kularmunda
         PUBLISHED BY                  
                                                              Atul Chandra
                                       Editorial Team:                                 Sales Director
                                       Jay Menon               Yulian Ardiansyah       Akshay Satyamurthy
        DEFENCE & SECURITY 2022                                                               AUGUST  30  2022  3
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