Page 4 - DEFENSE & SECURITY 2022 - Day 2 | DAILY NEWS
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Thai officials are reportedly very
impressed with the capabilities of
the Mbombe 4, which has an inde-
pendent suspension system that
was developed by Paramount Group
and features a monocoque hull. The
vehicle also has a flat hull instead of
the V shaped hull that is common on
such vehicles. “This is the first vehi-
cle in its class to have a flat hull,”
the official said, who added that the
Mbombe 4 displayed at the show
featured STANAG Level IV A and B
blast protection. The Mbombe 4
also features a low centre of grav-
ity, which allows heavy payloads to
be carried atop the vehicle, such as
PARAMOUNT GROUP MBOMBE 4 remote-controlled weapon turrets
(RCWS) or sensor payloads.
MAKES SE ASIA DEBUT In March, Paramount Group, had
announced that the Mbombe 4
Infantry Combat Vehicle (ICV),
South African armoured vehicle the first ever to be assembled in SE had been selected by five sover-
manufacturer, Paramount Group Asia, as previously the vehicles were eign nations to equip their armed
is targeting the Thai market with imported in nearly complete condi- forces. The 16-tonne vehicle can
the Mbombe 4, which is being dis- tion. “We are currently trialling the be equipped with various weapon
played at the show and making vehicle here with various different
its SE Asia debut. The vehicle has departments within the Thai military. systems and loaded with ammuni-
been named D-Lion for the Thai Once the trial period is completed, tion, crew, and supplies. Other key
market and Paramount Group has we will explore the options for the features of the Mbombe 4, include
partnered with Thai firm Jatunapas way forward,” a Paramount Group a burst speed of 140km/hr, allowing
to promote the vehicle. Thailand’s official told Daily News. He added for exceptional levels of mobility. The
Defence Technology Institute (DTI) is that the South African Group was Mbombe 4 made its international
also partnering with both firms. The currently focussed only on the Thai 2Exhibition & Conference (IDEX) of
Mbombe vehicle on display is also market. 2019.
Thailand based armoured vehicles
manufacturer; Chaiseri Defence
Vehicles is making the show debut
of its First Win armoured reconnais-
sance vehicle (ARV). “We are bringing
this new ARV for the first time to the
Defence & Security exhibition, to
showcase our growing capability in
the development of armoured vehi-
cles for the Thai defence forces,” a
company official told Daily News. 13.5 tonne ARV is powered by 340 hp
The First Win ARV features an elec- engine and it can attain a maximum
tro-optical (EO) sensor, gun mount speed of 110 kmph. The vehicle can
and smoke dispensers on the top attain a combat range of 800km and
of the vehicle and features STANAG can carry a 1.5 tonne payload. Also,
4569 Lv2 ballistic and mine protection on display at the show is Chaiseri’ s
capability. The vehicle has an oper- First Win armoured fighting vehicle
ating crew of three plus a driver. The (AFV).