Page 11 - DEFENSE & SECURITY 2022 - Day 3 | DAILY NEWS
P. 11

and positioning missions. It has four   control station to operate the UAS,   the global market offer an endur-
        hard points and can carry a max     one for the communications equip-   ance of 16-20 hours, which was found
        payload 370 kg. ATIL is showcas-    ment and one for the transport of   excessive for Thai requirements. He
        ing the DP20-A with dual-payload    the UAS itself. For the smaller DP16,   said the Thai armed forces required
        bomb racks which can carry multiple   this requirement is reduced to only   only around ten hours of operational
        munitions at the show. The DP-20A is   two vehicles needed to transport the   endurance and more often than
        normally deployed in a group of four   UAS and the ground control station,   not, six hours of operating endur-
        UAVs which are supported by a single   while the communication equipment   ance was found to be sufficient. He
        ground station.                     is much more portable. The atten-   also said longer UAS flights required
        Dr. Niyomthai also told Daily News,   dant savings in operational and life   additional crew due to flight duty
        that the RTA has also expressed ini-  cycle costs are also evident due to   restrictions as pilots also need to rest
        tial interest in the smaller DP16.  the reduced manpower and logistics   for eight hours before flights.
        “ATIL is also getting interest from   requirement.
        other potential customers in the    `Speaking on Thai requirements for   The DP16 tactical combat UAV capa-
        region,” while confirming that there   MALE UAVs, he said similar UAVs in   ble of conducting ISR combat attack,
        had been strong interest from coun-                                     artillery, fire calibration, battlefield
        tries in the region, whose delegations                                  damage assessment, monitoring
                                                                                and patrol missions. It has six hours
        are visiting Defence & Security. The                                    of endurance with full load. In this
        DP16 could also be of potential future                                  configuration, it can travel 700-900
        interest for the RTAF but this require-                                 km. When configured in reconnais-
        ment is not as urgent as the service                                    sance mode with a lighter payload,
        presently has sufficient number of                                      the drone can stay in the air for 10
        UAS to meet its requirements.                                           hours.

        The DP16 is a smaller UAV with a 10m                                    The  DP16  has  a  maximum  takeoff
        wingspan and Dr. Niyomthai said that                                    weight of 360 kg and a max payload
        it was realised from the RTAF’s previ-                                  of 80 kg. It can attain a max speed of
        ous operating experience with UAVs,                                     180 km per hour and a cruising speed
        that larger unmanned systems had                                        of 120 - 150 kmph. The drone can
        a bigger logistics footprint, requiring                                 attain a max ceiling of 18,000 feet
        three vehicles – one for the ground                                     and cruise at 10,000 - 13,000 feet.

                                                                                the flight test programme for Gripen
                                                                                E is on continued development and
                                                                                testing of primarily the tactical sys-
                                                                                tems and as well as integration of
                                                                                a variation of weapons, such as the
                                                                                The Meteor long-range BVRAAM can
                                                                                operate in in the most contested
                                                                                environments and the ramjet pow-
                                                                                ered missile can successfully engage
                                                                                a wide variety of targets, from fighter
                                                                                aircraft to small unmanned aerial
                                                                                vehicles and cruise missiles at unri-
                                                                                valled ranges. “This success is a great
        SAAB GRIPEN E MAKES MAIDEN                                              demonstration of the close partner-

        METEOR BVRAAM LAUNCH                                                    ship between MBDA and Saab, which
                                                                                after many years of active co-oper-
        Saab has announced the first test   “It feels very good that we have now   ation continues to go from strength
        firing  of  a  Meteor  Beyond  Visual   completed the first test firing with   to strength. This trial also excellently
        Range Air-to-Air Missile (BVRAAM) on   Meteor from Gripen E. It is a very   shows off our joint ability to rapidly
        Gripen. The airframer said that the   important milestone both for the   integrate weapon capabilities onto
        launch met with a successful end-to-  programme and for Saab. It shows   the all new Gripen E,” said Jim Price,
        end result on the target. The Gripen E   that the weapon capability of Gripen   MBDA Vice President Europe. Saab is
        launched the Meteor missile from an   is at the absolute forefront,” said   a partner in the Meteor programme
        altitude of approximately 16,500 ft                                     in conjunction with prime contractor
        above the Vidsel test range in north-  Mikael Olsson, Head of Flight Test &   MBDA UK.
        ern Sweden.                         Verification, Saab. Saab’s focus of
        DEFENCE & SECURITY 2022                                                                AUGUST  31  2022  11
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