Page 7 - DEFENSE & SECURITY 2022 - Day 3 | DAILY NEWS
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ROYAL THAI be greatly enhanced with the induc- their needs and what they prefer.
tion of the new radar systems.
We are system agnostics, so to say,”
NAVY TO With the new radar systems, the said Anupam Narain Mathur, Vice
Royal Thai Navy will acquire an intel- President and General Manager of
INDUCT TERMA ligent tracking unit installed on all Terma Asia Pacific.
radars. The so-called ET2 embed- Embedded tracking allows for
SCANTER 5202 ded tracker automatically logs the greater situational awareness which
behaviour of any suspicious vessel, comes from having a clear picture of
AND 2202 no matter the size or shape. “It has what is going on currently, what has
become a Terma signature to design happened previously and predicting
RADARS and produce systems with an open what will happen in the (near) future.
architecture, so customers can freely While the defense and surveillance
The Royal Navy (RTN) will soon choose to add the capabilities they industry typically have a propri-
strengthen its coastal surveillance need into the system that best suits ety interface where the tracking
capabilities with new radar systems capability is part of the Command-
currently being delivered by Terma. and-Control (C2) system, with the
The current deliveries consist of sev- Terma radars this is not the case. The
eral radars systems for sites along the Terma ET2 Tracking unit is embedded
coastline, which will include Terma’s directly into the radars with simple
Scanter 5202 and 2202 and will be hardware and software add-ons.
combined with a variety of antennas The reason behind embedding the
(21 feet, 18 feet and 12 feet compact ET2 into the radar comes down to
antennas). All radars will feature making the system compatible with
Terma’s ET2 embedded tracker. The third-party C2 System Providers.
RTN is responsible for coast guard The tracking data is translated to
operations in Thailand and its efforts exportable international protocols
at detecting and tracking of illegal and can be interfaced by any major
activities in their territorial waters will C2-system on the market.
KADET DEFENCE System will be used for training and with the company’s family of aerial
weapon evaluation of surface to air
targets which includes high speed jet
SYSTEMS missiles by the Philippine armed forces. powered sea skimming variants and loi-
“We completed the delivery in a record tering munition platforms.
DELIVERS AERIAL time of less than eight weeks from the The JX2 Aerial Target System is made
placement of contract to the delivery of of composite material and powered by
TARGET SYSTEMS the system which included air vehicles, a two-stroke engine. It has a wingspan
catapult launcher and other ground sup- of 2.5m and length of 2.6m. Line of sight
TO PHILIPPINES port equipment. We also had to develop (LOS) range is quoted by the manufac-
a new thermal payload to enable the turer as over 40km and the aerial target
Indian drone manufacturer Kadet aerial target to simulate aerial threats has an endurance of 45 minutes. It can
Defence Systems, has completed deliv- for heat seeking missiles” said Avdhesh achieve a speed of more than 60m/s
eries of its JX2 Aerial Target System to Khaitan, CEO of Kadet DS, while speak- in clean configuration. The catapult
the Philippines. The company claims that ing to Daily News on the sidelines of the launched aerial target has a maximum
it is the first Indian company to export ongoing Defence & Security show. take-off weight of 35kg and can carry
a complete defence system from India Khaitan is looking to expand his foot role equipment such as a scoring system,
to the Philippines. The JX2 Aerial Target print in the SE Asian and MENA region IR flares, Luneberg lens and ISR camera.