Page 6 - DEFENSE & SECURITY 2022 - Day 3 | DAILY NEWS
P. 6

modification,  VIP  transport,  light
        TEXTRON AVIATION                                                        utility lift, air traffic control calibra-
                                                                                tion and others. This broad portfolio
        DEFENCE TO BOOST                                                        makes Textron Aviation Defence and
                                                                                Special Missions a reliable mission
        THAI DEFENCE CAPABILITY                                                 partner for national and corporate
                                                                                needs throughout the Asia Pacific
        Thomas Webster, Director of Textron                                     What are some of the
        Aviation Defence Asia Pacific Sales                                     global developments
        & Strategy
                                                                                at Textron Aviation

        Please elaborate                                                        Defence that will be of
        on Textron Aviation                                                     interest in the region?
        Defence’s presence in                                                   The continued growth of the Textron
                                                                                Aviation Defense fleet is highlighted
        Thailand?                                                               by the recent type certifications for
                                                                                the Beechcraft AT-6 Wolverine and
        TA Defence is pleased to have                                           the Cessna SkyCourier, the first flight
        the opportunity to help expand                                          and rapid progress of the Beechcraft
        Thailand’s growing aviation indus-  The first of the                    Denali and the creation of a new
        try and is teamed with Thailand     RTAF’s twelve T-6TH will            e-Aviation business within Textron
        Aerospace Industries (TAI) and RV                                       Inc. expands the company’s vision-
        Connex, Co. for manufacturing       be arriving in Thailand             ary heritage and role as an industry
        work and assembly on the Royal  later this year. The                    leader across all aspects of aviation.
        Thai Air Force (RTAF) Beechcraft    deliveries are expected             We inspire the journey of flight in Asia
        T-6TH and Beechcraft AT-6TH. As                                         Pacific and all around the world. For
        the RTAF inducts these aircraft into   to be completed by the           more than 90 years, Textron Aviation
        the national inventory over the next  middle of 2023.HI                 has empowered its collective talent
        two years, TA Defence anticipates                                       across the Beechcraft, Cessna and
        the continued growth and expan-     Please elaborate                    Hawker brands to design and deliver
        sion of relationships and a growing                                     the best aviation experience for our
        presence in Thailand.               on Textron Aviation                 customers. We have the most ver-
                                            Defence’s presence in SE            satile and comprehensive aviation
        What is the status of               Asia?                               product portfolio in the world and a
                                                                                workforce that has produced more
        the RTAF’s 2021 order for           Textron Aviation Defence and        than half of all general aviation
        eight Beechcraft AT-6               Special Missions have a broad base   aircraft worldwide. These aircraft
                                                                                deliver value and world class perfor-
                                            of customers throughout Asia with
        Wolverine aircraft?                 aircraft covering the gamut of mis-  mance to customers throughout the
                                            sions from training, national defense,   Asia Pacific region and open up new
        The  first  of  the  RTAF’s  AT-6TH  is   maritime patrol, humanitarian assis-  capabilities to meet a wide array of
        starting down the production line   tance, aeromedical airlift, weather   national and corporate needs.
        with first in-country deliveries
        beginning in late 2023.  The
        RTAF will have use of a Textron
        Aviation Defence Beechcraft AT-6
        Wolverine for three years, which
        will be arriving in-country in late
        2022. This aircraft will serve  as
        an Engineering, Manufacturing
        and Development testbed for
        integration of the RTAF’s datalink
        and other sovereign programs as
        part of the nation’s Purchase and
        Develop initiative.

        6 AUGUST  31  2022                                                        WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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