Page 8 - DEFENSE & SECURITY 2022 - Day 3 | DAILY NEWS
P. 8


                                            within Thailand, the next generation   Paramount Group-pioneered portable
                                            ICV is to undergo vehicle trials by the   manufacturing model. Eric Ichikowitz,
                                            Thai Armed Forces and the country’s   Senior Vice President of Paramount
                                            Defence Technology Institute (DTI),   Group said “We are privileged to part-
                                            an agency operating under the over-  ner with DTI and Jatunapas to bolster
                                            sight of the Thai Ministry of Defense.   local manufacturing capabilities
                                            This was also the first instance of a   through the production of the formida-
                                            Mbombe 4 being assembled in SE Asia.   ble Mbombe 4. We are looking forward
                                            The first locally assembled ICV named   to building this partnership and that
                                            ‘D-Lion’ which is the local name for the   with the Thai government, from this
                                            Mbombe 4 was handed over at the     milestone.”
                                            show. Ploynapas Chaiyasree, CEO of
        Thai efforts to manufacture advanced   Jatunapas Company Limited said:   There are more than 150 Mbombe 4’s
        infantry combat vehicle’s (ICV),    “The D-Lion combat vehicle which has   either being manufactured or on order
        in-country have received a boost, with   been assembled in Thailand through   for delivery or deployment across
        the announcement of a new tri-par-  the cooperation of DTI, Jatunapas   Africa, Asia and around the world.
        tite partnership with South Africa’s   and Paramount Group represents a   “This announcement in Thailand is an
        Paramount Group, Jatunapas of       first-of-its-kind in this level of combat   important next step in the Mbombe’s
        Thailand and the Defence Technology   capability. South Africa is globally rec-  continued expansion, and a testament
        Institute (DTI), which is Thailand’s   ognized for its leading competence in   to the innovative partnerships that
        defence research and development    this vehicle class, whilst Thailand has   we have fostered to the benefit of our
        (R&D). The firms will work together   significant competence in vehicle   partner nations’ respective defence
        to produce Paramount Group’s        production.                         industrial complexes. We are pleased
        advanced Infantry Combat Vehicle    The Mbombe 4’s continued expansion   to say that the Mbombe 4 is ready for
        (ICV), the Mbombe  4,  in Thailand.   into the Asia-Pacific marketplace and   production in Thailand as of today,”
        Following assembly of the Mbombe 4   beyond emphasises the success of the   Ichikowitz said.

                                            weapons: 105 and 155mm shells and   country’s Weapon Production Centre
        NEXTER EYEING                       fuzes for artillery; 76 to 105mm for tank   for more than 30 years. Nexter sup-
                                            ammunition; common medium calibre   plied weapon systems that are used
        UPGRADE                             (20, 25 and 30mm), Bofors 40mm, 76   in Thailand include the 155mm/52 cal.

        OPPORTUNITIES                       and 127mm for naval artillery. “All the   CAESAR mounted artillery guns, the
                                            equipment we showcase have been     105mm LG1 towed guns, 20mm guns
        THAILAND                            designed to meet the needs of the Thai   and NERVA land tactical robots for
                                            armed forces. For example, Nexter’s   the anti-explosive ordnance detec-
        Nexter is looking to further solidify its   artillery systems are particularly   tion (EOD) Units. Thailand’s Weapons
        presence in Thailand and is showcas-  adapted to challenging environment   Production Centre also has produc-
        ing a wide range of products at the   such as jungle or mountains. They   tion lines for medium and large caliber
        ongoing show. At the ongoing show,   are the lightest guns and to have the   ammunition which are in service with
        the company is displaying its CAESAR   smallest logistical footprint,” a com-  the Thai military and Nexter Arrowtech
        6X6 and 105LG artillery systems as well   pany spokesperson informed Daily   sells ammunition from 20mm to 155mm
        as the Findart fire control system; in   News.                          to the Thai forces.
        addition to the TITUS ARX 20, a 6X6   Besides  the  artillery  systems  to  be
        highly mobile armoured vehicle to   delivered to the Royal Thai Army,
        operate in difficult terrain conditions.   “Nexter aims at modernising the in-ser-
        The version presented of this modu-  vice equipment in order to remain well
        lar vehicle is the armoured personal   ahead in terms of performance and
        carrier equipped with an ARX 20mm   reliability. Upgrade opportunities exist
        remote weapon station Nexter is also   in all areas of operations (engineer-
        showcasing its Narwhal 20mm naval   ing for production lines, digitization of
        remote weapon system and the        artillery systems, smart ammunition for
        ammunition range of Nexter Arrowtech   enhanced performances of weapons
        for medium and heavy calibre.       systems…),” the spokesperson said.
        Nexter Arrowtech offers a wide range   The  French  firm  has  supplied  sys-
        of ammunition for the Royal Thai    tems to the Royal Thai Army, the
        Army compatible with NATO stan-     Royal Thai Navy, the Royal Thai Air
        dard medium and heavy calibre       Force, the Royal Thai Police and the
        8 AUGUST  31  2022                                                        WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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