Page 4 - DEFENSE & SECURITY 2022 - Day 3 | DAILY NEWS
P. 4







        Barzan Holdings which is owned
        by the State of Qatar is provided a
        strong indication of its intent to grow
        into a major player in the SE Asian
        defence market. Keen on showcasing
        its capabilities to SE Asian nations,   Rheinmetall Barzan Advanced     Barzan Industrial Group (BIG) is a
        Barzan Holdings group companies     Technologies (RBAT) is showcasing   subsidiary of Barzan Holdings, which
        demonstrated counter drone solu-    its advanced counter drone solution   was established an engineering and
        tions, a growing unmanned aerial    which integrates civilian and military   manufacturing company, has been
        systems portfolio, small arms systems   anti-drone technologies. RBAT aims   established with the main purpose of
        and ammunition and an innovative    to emerge as a one stop solution for   providing high quality defense and
        military grade portable ventilator,   nation’s that want to build a credible   security products, as well as health
        which has now been exported to 16   anti-drone technology while inte-   and civil products. BIG has partnered
        countries. The Qatari state-owned   grating various systems, sensors and   with American firm Wilcox to manu-
        firm, is making its maiden partic-  equipment. RBAT has also invested in   facture spare parts and accessories
        ipation at the Defence & Security   developing sophisticated software   for small arms systems. One of the
        exhibition.                         that aids in integration of various   weapons displayed at the show is a
                                            sensors and equipment needed for    modified version of the M-16 and it
        “Today, we are here                 an effective anti-drone solution.   has also developed an under-barrel
        in Thailand to show-                “We have invested in the devel-     grenade launcher. The KMA 762 is an
                                            opment of a sophisticated open
        case our products that              architecture software platform,     advanced lightweight modular rifle
                                                                                chambered in 7.62mm X 5 mm NATO,
        were developed in the               into which a variety of sensors can   while the KMA 556 direct impinge-
        State of Qatar and                  be integrated and we consider it    ment lightweight modular rifle is also
        explore their prospects             to be a very unique system. In fact,   manufactured in Qatar by BIG. The
                                            we believe that there is nothing like
                                                                                company is also designing accesso-
        for Asian markets. We               this in the market today,” a Barzan   ries for combat helmets.
        believe there’s a lot of            Holdings official told Daily News. This
        synergies between the               system was actually developed to
        State of Qatar and the              meet the very specific requirements
                                            in the State of Qatar, the official
        Asian countries. And                added.
        we believe that our
        products and Qatar’s                Bindig, a joint venture between
        concerns are very much              Barzan Holdings and Beretta Holding
                                            was founded in  2018. Bindig has
        aligned with the con-               acquired the intellectual property
        cerns of the nation’s               rights for Beretta’s existing designs
        here in Asia,” Abdullah             and the weapons being displayed
                                            at the show were manufactured in
        Hassan Al-Khater,                   Qatar. Bindig is now looking beyond
        Vice President & Chief              these Beretta designs and looking
        Strategic Procurement               to develop its own designs to meet
        Officer at Barzan                   the specific needs of Qatar’s military
                                            and those of potential export cus-
        Holdings told Daily News.           tomers around the world.

        4 AUGUST  31  2022                                                        WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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